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CL: Only slightly stolen...


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I try not to post CL links but this one has me amused.


Only slightly suspicious, not to mention he says "$1000"... "$800 ferm (sic)"...

"I have an Ohio title (motorcycle came from Tennessee and was changed to Ohio title, “BUT” it has been notarized in to some one elces name, The guy is here in Ohio I know were but if you want title transferred out of his name you will have to talk to him.So please note: I do have title but theres a problem, keep in mind it can be taken car of with a power of attorney"

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If it was sold as a bike and not as a storage unit sale, it dont work that way. theres a process involved whereas the person/place auctioning would have to send certified letters to owner blah blah blah then finally send off for a title in their own name before selling at auction.

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I bought it... the dude said to meet him at the gas station on E55th, cash only and for some reason he said he'll help me load it so I don't need to worry about bringing a friend...

What a nice guys, going to the bank now :)

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I bought it... the dude said to meet him at the gas station on E55th, cash only and for some reason he said he'll help me load it so I don't need to worry about bringing a friend...

What a nice guys, going to the bank now :)

Wow! He's only helping you load it?

I would think after you give him the money he should send a truck by your house later. He should at least show you a picture of the bike on the truck first so you know what to look for after you get home.

I mean you are paying cash and all that.

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