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Work it! Work it! - Working out chat


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I've never tried Alexanders class. I should!

My hubby is the marathon (well, at least half) runner. You know him! So, maybe you two could chat. I am not much of a runner honestly. 4 miles is about it thus far. LOL!

I rolled my right ankle numerous times before so I have to be a bit careful or it starts giving me heck.

I've never been thin and doubt I'll ever be a size 2 but I never want to go back to where I was back in 2002.

Both my hubby and I weighed at least 260lbs EACH..yeah..EACH!

Imagine that on someone who is only 5' 1".:eek:

Wow...well running never drops the weight for me. I just eat more when I'm running 25 miles a week. LOL.

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when im bulking heres my break down

1 whey protein 1gm per pound of bodyweight 20-40 grams pre workout 40-80 after

2 creatine 5-7s after workout (i sometimes take 10g-so 5g before 5g after

3 glutamine

4 bcaa's

5 arginine

6 casein protein before sleep 20g

lotttts of food, eating every 2-3 hours about 5-6k calories

Food matter more than supplements, with creatine you will gain alot of water weight but that is normal. Creatine increases protein sysnthis (sp?) in mucsle cells

werd. got my own homemade weight gainer shake. drink about a gallon of milk a day. eating healthy, but alot of it. i just try to eat and drink alot. went from 147lbs to 173lbs in 3 months. so i think im doing ok so far. im not done tho, thats for sure. i still look small. im 5' 11" - 6'.

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werd. got my own homemade weight gainer shake. drink about a gallon of milk a day. eating healthy, but alot of it. i just try to eat and drink alot. went from 147lbs to 173lbs in 3 months. so i think im doing ok so far. im not done tho, thats for sure. i still look small. im 5' 11" - 6'.

You were 5'11"--6', and only weighed 147?!? :eek:

You had to look like a stick dude!

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when im bulking heres my break down

1 whey protein 1gm per pound of bodyweight 20-40 grams pre workout 40-80 after

2 creatine 5-7s after workout (i sometimes take 10g-so 5g before 5g after

3 glutamine

4 bcaa's

5 arginine

6 casein protein before sleep 20g

lotttts of food, eating every 2-3 hours about 5-6k calories

Food matter more than supplements, with creatine you will gain alot of water weight but that is normal. Creatine increases protein sysnthis (sp?) in mucsle cells

2) check out Kreatin(i think that's it, or just research Creatine alternatives) they don't have the side effects as creatine, such as water retention and cramping. Maybe I'm wrong, have never taken it personally, but I thought creatin was a pre workout supp designed to aid in the water/blood delivery to muscles.

6) For casein I would personally recommend BSN Syntha 6

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2) check out Kreatin(i think that's it, or just research Creatine alternatives) they don't have the side effects as creatine, such as water retention and cramping. Maybe I'm wrong, have never taken it personally, but I thought creatin was a pre workout supp designed to aid in the water/blood delivery to muscles.

6) For casein I would personally recommend BSN Syntha 6

creatine doesnt affect everyone negatively. i have really no effects, some water weight but 3-5lbs isnt shit. you can take creatine whenever (best is before and after---or only after) creatine floods the cell with water and increases protein synthsis (sp?). IMO if you havent taken it you shouldnt be advising people on it.

the creatine i take is cell tech. its good that it have a lot of simple carbs (sugar) the sugar will help the protein you take after the work out get to the muscles. (increase insulin-glycogen loading/protein synthis)

synta 6 is decent

Edited by rawlins87
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creatine doesnt affect everyone negatively. i have really no effects, some water weight but 3-5lbs isnt shit. you can take creatine whenever (best is before and after---or only after) creatine floods the cell with water and increases protein synthsis (sp?). IMO if you havent taken it you shouldnt be advising people on it.

the creatine i take is cell tech. its good that it have a lot of simple carbs (sugar) the sugar will help the protein you take after the work out get to the muscles. (increase insulin-glycogen loading/protein synthis)

synta 6 is decent

steroids don't affect everyone negatively either. What works for you wont work for everyone in the same manner.

The only thing I remember advising someone on is researching a supplement.

In a quick research I found that creatine is bonded to phosphorous in your muscles and forms Creatine Phosphate. Creatines primary function is to support the body's ability to produce adenosin triphospate which is the fuel your body uses to do reps. As the adenosine triphosphate is burned a by- product of adenosine diphosphate is created, which is then transformed back into adenosin triphosphate by using the phosphorous in your body.

Unless someone is lying or my logic is wrong, if ATP is the fuel your body uses for everything you do from working out to folding your tightie whities, and creatine assist in the formation of ATP it would make more sense to take creatine pre workout not post. Creatine to give the muscles the energy needed to continue going strong thru a session and protein after to help muscle recovery.

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So, I started working out again. Yay me! I do the eliptical. I have a moderate-high resistance (like 8 to 10). I use only my legs for 2 mins, then sprint for 30 seconds, then use my arms only for 2 minutes. I do that for 30 minutes and it is a great toning and cardio workout. I am dropping inches all around!

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So, I started working out again. Yay me! I do the eliptical. I have a moderate-high resistance (like 8 to 10). I use only my legs for 2 mins, then sprint for 30 seconds, then use my arms only for 2 minutes. I do that for 30 minutes and it is a great toning and cardio workout. I am dropping inches all around!

That sounds tough. Good for you!

Mixing up the muscle groups really makes a difference, doesn't it :)

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if you could keep up on my leg program you could lift anybike.

1000 lb leg press for reps 405 box squat for reps ftw

i would like to know what your leg program is, i have yet to find a leg program that i like and works well for me. Im usually working out 5 days a wk working on diff muscle groups and the 5th day is a total body work out..

I take supplements as well and have a nice lil stack going, i also used to be at lifetime but the ymca is so much cheaper : )

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so, i started working out again. Yay me! I do the eliptical. I have a moderate-high resistance (like 8 to 10). I use only my legs for 2 mins, then sprint for 30 seconds, then use my arms only for 2 minutes. I do that for 30 minutes and it is a great toning and cardio workout. I am dropping inches all around!

wtg!!! :)

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I got some potentially bad job-related news today so I went on a carb binge at lunch today.

If I don't get transitioned to another team my last day is going to be Thursday due to lack of work.

Aww man that sucks to hear, also theres nothing wrong with a lil carb binge

: ) i allow myself to eat poorly once a week, i cant rule out all the great tasting greasy food hehehe, jst gotta make sure i work extra hard at the gym

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