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want to know who can sell your bike better than you? click here

Ron Burgundy

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Not smart to post of an outstanding deal you got then try to turn around 2 weeks later and sell for a couple thousand in profit...To fellow OR members...Try craigslist or make an attempt to not screw those that already know the deal you got...

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i put this up everywhere. Maybe someone will want it? I got a good deal and i didnt do it just for fun. In the sport of motorcycle racing you have to do allot of wheeling and dealing to survive. If i were to sell the bike for what i got it for i'd be a idiot. What if i had won this bike in a raffle should i sell it for $1000? No. Sorry,but i bought it knowing its value and am trying to sell it for what its worth and not what i have in it. Thats how this things work....

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Not smart to post of an outstanding deal you got then try to turn around 2 weeks later and sell for a couple thousand in profit...To fellow OR members...Try craigslist or make an attempt to not screw those that already know the deal you got...

Its not screwing anybody! Its worth what i'm asking. I posted what i got it for on here and i was aware of that. I knew you all knew,but who else would pass up that deal just to pass it on?

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So you want to fuck one of us on this??? That aint cool to screw a brother like that. You don't want to make money off your brothers, you pass along your good fortunes. Especially when you haven't really done anything to it.

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I put it for sale everywhere. I dont really want to sell it,but i need money! If i didnt need money i would not sell it. Since i need money i do not want only $3500 for it. I got a deal cause i had the $$$ and he needed the $$$ ASAP. I normally do anything to help people out,but when it comes to money i dont have any extra.

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Its not screwing anybody! Its worth what i'm asking. I posted what i got it for on here and i was aware of that. I knew you all knew,but who else would pass up that deal just to pass it on?

I agree....Amount paid has NOTHING....Absolutley nothig to do with what something is worth.

I do this all the time....Money talks and BS Walks.....

Those with Cash can control the market...as it is the time to find guys hard up right now.

Not anyones fault he "stole" the bike when he bought it....And nothing wrong with making a profit.....Its the American way.

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i told all of u what i got it for. If i sold it then told everyone after that i what i got it for then that would be shady. I have told you all the whole story so i was upfront as possible. Maybe some of you cant handle the truth lol:popcorn:

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-10,000....Shady, dont brag, then try to fuck

What he paid had 0...Thats Zero....Baring on the price he "Should" Sell it for.

He is fucking no one....If the bike if worth $6G's....It will sell for 6G's.

Simple as that.

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I would sorta agree with that... the market value only pertains to what it's value is at any given point in time to any given parties.

When he bought it, it was worth $3500 in cold hard cash to the guy he bought it from. Now, it's worth whatever someone will give gix for it - original purchase has no bearing. I can't really fault him for getting a good deal.

But, it wasn't exactly smart to post it up on here knowing that people know what you paid for it...

G/L with the sale. Free bump.

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i put this up everywhere. Maybe someone will want it? I got a good deal and i didnt do it just for fun. In the sport of motorcycle racing you have to do allot of wheeling and dealing to survive. If i were to sell the bike for what i got it for i'd be a idiot. What if i had won this bike in a raffle should i sell it for $1000? No. Sorry,but i bought it knowing its value and am trying to sell it for what its worth and not what i have in it. Thats how this things work....

If you really think that's how things work in "the sport of motorcycle racing" you've got a lot to learn.

Oh, and by the way, a wrecked 07 750 isn't worth $6,000.00

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Todd every single racer i know buys and sells motorcycles and motorcycle parts. Its the way of the world! BUY LOW SELL HIGH. Worst case on this bike i have plenty of play room for a buyer! If i get desperate and need cash ASAP i can go down. A bikes worth is only what it DOES sell for and nor WHAT it sells for. So i'll start at 6 and go down.

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I agree that anything is worth what someone will pay for it but going from $3500 to $6000 is a bit much. I could see making some money off it, maybe put it up for $4500-5k and taking $4-4500. You'd still be makin out pretty good for doing nothing...

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Let me clear up what I meant. Screwing someone on here was the wrong way to put it. But maybe making a deal with someone on here is a better way. Since we all know the price you paid.

I have been working pretty hard to start flipping bikes. It is the american way, get a good deal..Then sell and profit. I still see how you can profit on this deal, you paid $3500. Everyone on OR.net knows you paid $3500. If you were gonna sell the bike you shouldn't have told everyone that. However now that the cats out of the bag, the right thing to do would be offer OR.net an awesome deal. Say $4500. You still make money and you've helped someone out. Slap it on craigslist and if someone gives you $6000 then you've got more money.

There's nothing wrong with making money, but do it smart. Don't post a good deal if you want to sell to the same group of people. That's being an ass.

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yea i want as much from it as i can. I begged borrowed and dam near had to steal to get this money together to buy this bike. I have taken a huge risk buying it by not paying other bills and i have a long race weekend this weekend. I needed money and i knew it was a good buy. Yea i start at $6000 so that i can barter! If i started at 5000 it would go to low. And yea i have done allot to the bike. All the plastics came in a box and i fixed them all. Needed a rear wheel and tires and a left rearset. Also needed oil change and some wire harness work. It had no tail fairings so i replaced those and that WAS NOT CHEAP!

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Let me clear up what I meant. Screwing someone on here was the wrong way to put it. But maybe making a deal with someone on here is a better way. Since we all know the price you paid.

I have been working pretty hard to start flipping bikes. It is the american way, get a good deal..Then sell and profit. I still see how you can profit on this deal, you paid $3500. Everyone on OR.net knows you paid $3500. If you were gonna sell the bike you shouldn't have told everyone that. However now that the cats out of the bag, the right thing to do would be offer OR.net an awesome deal. Say $4500. You still make money and you've helped someone out. Slap it on craigslist and if someone gives you $6000 then you've got more money.

There's nothing wrong with making money, but do it smart. Don't post a good deal if you want to sell to the same group of people. That's being an ass.


I've bought and sold several race bikes. Usually for about what I had in them, sometimes for a little bit more. I always figured passing on a good deal to another racer would pay dividends down the road.

Trying to double my money to people I know and/or share the track with always seemed like a shitty deal to me. Obviously, you feel differently. That's cool. It'll come back to ya.

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I know all of you know what i have in the bike. I figured i'd post it everywhere the same so it was easier to keep track of what i'm asking. I figured if any of u wanted it we would barter and you would call me and we could discuss prices. Its on everywhere for for $6000. Actually its to $5500 now everywhere,but craigs its still $6000. I would deff give a serious buyer from here a good deal. In all reality its going to sell for around $5000 and i will be making less than $1000 in all. I wish i could make 2000 off it,but that would be too good lol.

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