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Volunteer Work - have done? going to do? need help?


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What sort of volunteer work have you: Done? Are Doing? Need help with?

I've done volunteer work for humane societies in the past; but my most notable volunteer work was with as the Street Team Leader for Rock the Vote Columbus. (Non-profit/Non-partisan)

Was a fantastic time!

I also consider my Union County Election Judge ( har har POLLworker..not pole.. doesnt pay *THAT* well) volunteer work with a tiny bit of compensation. I take alot of pride in the democratic process.

Not into swaying people one way or the other politics-wise.. I just want them to take part in democracy by using their vote as their voice and be heard!

>>>>What about all of you? Volunteer work is good for the soul! :)<<<<

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I painted gym lockers at the ymca...had to skip the bottom of one because of the condom and nasty jock strap though.

Cleared a trail for the girl scouts--Day of Caring...

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I was actually looking for some good community service things to work on.

I really like helping people and I haven't been doing enough lately. I know this is kinda silly but I grow my hair out ridiculously long then chop it off and give it to locks of love... and I've lead a project team in honduras at an orphanage for kids with HIV/AIDS. Things like that, you walk away feeling like they gave you more than you gave them.

Anyway, I'm an alumni rep for a group at OSU called Engineers for Community Service (ECOS), and we're always looking for good projects... if anyone has any good ideas, let me know!!

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As a member of the Knights of Columbus i am always involved in community service or volunteer work of some kind... what would interest you most? working with kids? with the developmentally handicapped? homeless?

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more seriously, i love the Adopt a family for christmas deal. We did this at work and the family actually comes and picks up the stuff. You get a feeling of satisfaction knowing that it actually went somewhere and not some Goodwill employees pocket or a gubment employees pocket..

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