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To the US35 faggot who pulled a gun on me!


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This is when you reach behind you pull your side arm out from your waist and aim and fire. That's a clear threat on your life. I would have at least put a few into his tires to make sure he got the picture. Fuck that if he wants to be hard ass he can do it with 460 grains of extra lead in his chest pull a gun on me I'm going to shoot you.


Nothin like having your glock at arms length when that happens. It will calm your nerves real quick. Now you have another reason to get the CCW and some protection.


Simply producing and pointing a weapon is an act of aggression.


And, I believe shooting from a motor vehicle is also against the law


You're right, it is an open carry without CCW but that does not apply while operating a motor vehicle.


This thread was enough to get me to get the pistol out of the night table and check my mag lol

I think I should finally go get my CCW training


if i were to guess id say posts dont count in the fuckstick section.


don't i feel like a fuckstick

True, :D

Congrats Nick and people, GO GET YOUR CCW'S. An armed society is a polite society.

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Only read the first page......Glad you're OK Nick!

Just remember.....Hindsight's ALWAYS 20/20

Don't beat yourself up with the shoulda/coulda/woulda game

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I can't believe people are recommending shooting from a moving motorcycle?? Just because you have a gun, doesn't mean you have to use it. That's one moment where I would just use the bike to maneuver out of his line of sight and get his plate.

Glad you're ok Nick.

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The best thing to do in a case like this is to get away from them. You have to assume if their dumb enough to whip out a firearm their probably dumb enough to actually use it too. On the plus side someone that stupid will soon be caught or shot or both.

PS With twins you got too much to live for to be playing road warrior. :)

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I didn't realize you were in a cage. Two to the chest and one to the head then. :)

Seriously though..especially with babies on the way..the best thing in that situation is to avoid the problem...IF you can. It sounds like you could. Coming home to your family is more important than trying to get into a shootout with a lunatic on the highway...for no apparent reason.

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I drive my beater car for work and ive told myself a 100 times that if anyone pulls a firearm on me while Im driving that I will instantly slam my car into them and run them off the road and call the cops... I carry my firearm all the time but running them off the road would give me time to get away or at least disable their vehicle so they stop, and I can call the cops or if need be draw my weapon and defend myself.

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Yeah, I think I did the right thing, other than not calling in his plate and getting him arrested for pulling a gun. I sped up and hit my exit at the last moment. He had no idea I was about to exit because I jerked car over really late to avoid him getting off too.

Also, Wrillo....I just remembered that. It happened so fast, but he could've been from the Mexican mafia that's around here, who knows. Oh well...it keeps playing in my head, but I'm home safe and that's what matters. I just hope he gets his.

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I drive my beater car for work and ive told myself a 100 times that if anyone pulls a firearm on me while Im driving that I will instantly slam my car into them and run them off the road and call the cops... I carry my firearm all the time but running them off the road would give me time to get away or at least disable their vehicle so they stop, and I can call the cops or if need be draw my weapon and defend myself.

It was crowded/rush hour/5:30pm. Pitting would've fucked lots of people up on the road.

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I would have f'd him up with my car.. I would find a way.

depends what I was driving... if I was in my truck, I woulda ran that sunbeech off the road in a heart beat. Truck looks like its sat through a rust shower, and its 4x4 (heavy) my car... not so much. My little saturn would probably bounced off his

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depends what I was driving... if I was in my truck, I woulda ran that sunbeech off the road in a heart beat. Truck looks like its sat through a rust shower, and its 4x4 (heavy) my car... not so much. My little saturn would probably bounced off his

We are opposites. my truck is my baby and in great shape but your not going to hurt my car much more then it already is. .. :)

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Seems to me from most accidents I've seen on highways you both would have F'd up cars that wouldn't run and now you'd be stuck on the side of the road with an idiot with a firearm ready to shoot you. Don't let emotions get the best of you in a situation like this! Use your head to survive. I bet if this happens again to Nick, God I hope it doesn't, he'll already have a plan of action in place and will react faster to get the plate, get away, call the police.

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We are opposites. my truck is my baby and in great shape but your not going to hurt my car much more then it already is. .. :)

yeah, my truck is a POS! I just replaced the driver's side upper control arm because it rusted out until it broke one of the mounting arms!

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Seems to me from most accidents I've seen on highways you both would have F'd up cars that wouldn't run and now you'd be stuck on the side of the road with an idiot with a firearm ready to shoot you. Don't let emotions get the best of you in a situation like this! Use your head to survive. I bet if this happens again to Nick, God I hope it doesn't, he'll already have a plan of action in place and will react faster to get the plate, get away, call the police.

you haven't met Nick, have you?

:lol: jus kiddin jus kiddin

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Yeah, I'm pretty good manuevering an automobile. He couldn't have shot me if he tried. I had his plates easily, but was more amazed at what just happened was thinking about calling 911 to report him, but figured the cops wouldn't do shit since they didn't see him, but as I stated with what happened to my father that I was wrong. I guess they'll arrest anyone if they're reported to have pulled a gun on someone. I wish I would've, but oh well, it's over and there's no point to worry about it now. If it happens again by anymore thug wannabees they will be reported.

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2 peeps mentioned air soft guns, IDK what those are, but it doesn't matter what it was. Chances are it was real too. You all do know Dayton is one of the top 20 most dangerous cities in the USA right? Odds are if you get it pulled on you...it's real.

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