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My Amish Adventure


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Well today about 4:00 I started out toward Coshocton from Apple Valley (MT Vernon) and took St Rt 36 east. Traffic was a little heavy till I got past St Rt 62 and then the fun began. Ran about 65 plus through most of the trip and saw more bikes than cars. The temp was perfect even with my insulated leather jacket on (birthday coming up for new gear) you would get a little warm then run a stretch that was shaded and be a little chilly then back to warm. Must have been 65 in the shade and It was great. As I passed through nellie (yes, check your map Its called "Nellie" and its very gangster hood) I saw some sport bikes at an intersection stopped and lounging in the shade. Moving to fast to stop and chat, sorry if you are reading this and are pissed I didnt stop. The rest of the ride to coshocton was ho hum but while passing through Warsaw I saw up ahead what looked to be a ducati 9-something dash onto a side street but couldnt see him once

I got a view of the road as I passed. He must have been moving or went into a drive way but I saw probably forty bikes in warsaw alone and no cops.

Wow. Stopped in Coshocton and drained the reservoir and continued east on 36 to St Rt 93 north to Fresno, Baltic and then Sugarcreek. The road conditions were near perfect and the strip patching they had done recently was smooth and level w the original. Couldnt tell from the feel of the bike that there was even a patch there. Saw only a few bikes until I got to Sugarcreek and then saw a twenty or so in town and such. Went west on ST Rt 39 to Berlin and stopped there to top off the tank as I hadnt filled up yet. The gas station that I stopped at had only premium (which I use anyway) and It was 3.36 a gallon ...WTF... Amish only use high test in those buggys??? O well, while having a smoke and drinking the crappy rippoff of a starbucks capp at the gas station, Fellow riders were rolling by and waving at me sitting there. Very friendly people up here! I saw lots of

harleys and a few sport bikes but only one other rice cruiser that was in the same parking lot. Theres lots of money in them there hills and every rider was extreemly friendly and waved as you passed. So I continued on 39 to loudonville and stopped and got burgers for the wife and kid and drained the

reservoir again. Then I turned south on St RT 3 and rode home to Apple Valley. All the roads were clean and gravel free except a Quarter mile stretch from fresno to baltic where there was some dried mud from some farm machinery out of the fields there but just barely had to slow down. There is a stretch just south of baltic that has some really nice tight and banked corners that felt really nice even on the cruiser and would be fun on a sport bike but there is no runoff area unless you consider briars and trees to be nice. Every one in the area in a car or a bike were courteous and allowed me to pass them without complaint or a horn being blown and all in all probably my favorite ride to date. It had all different feels from tight and

slow to fast and long and is the jewel of northern ohio riding in my humble opinion... Arrived back home at 7:30 and had a great time. Perfect and about 108 miles.

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So people flame a nut when a dog poops on the sidewalk, but when a 1,000lb horse shits all over the road, it's ok because they are Amish? WTF! I mean, Amish are expert carpenters right? Shouldn't they be able to build some sort of crap-catcher for their damn horses?

Oh, and nice write up.

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So people flame a nut when a dog poops on the sidewalk, but when a 1,000lb horse shits all over the road, it's ok because they are Amish? WTF! I mean, Amish are expert carpenters right? Shouldn't they be able to build some sort of crap-catcher for their damn horses?

Oh, and nice write up.

Yea that was interesting at times trying to dodge the piles and the slow moving vehicle signs.. Im sure I scared some shit out of a horse or two.:cruiser::honda:

Can you imagine riding a motorcycle through down town New York in 1895. That would suck...

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So people flame a nut when a dog poops on the sidewalk, but when a 1,000lb horse shits all over the road, it's ok because they are Amish? WTF! I mean, Amish are expert carpenters right? Shouldn't they be able to build some sort of crap-catcher for their damn horses?

Oh, and nice write up.

Let alone leaches on society. Umm taxes, no. Military service to protect their right to live in The Greatest Country, no again. Now I know where the saying, Fuck you and the big red horse you rode in on, came from. "What's an Amish woman's dream? Three Menonite!"

Glad to hear you had a great ride. A friend of mine just got back from Costa Rica and delivered some coffee. If you enjoyed the coffee from the last party here, just wait until you try this.

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