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A friend of mine died last night


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:( A friend and co-worker of mine died last night while riding his bike. I don't have all the details but the rumor is that he hit a tree going 120. But like I said that is just a rumor at this point.

I feel very guilty right now. I somewhat talked him into the trading in his bike and and the new one. I even set up the deal for him.

I am even contemplating putting both bikes away for the year and reavaluating things in the spring.

Sorry for laying this on you I just needed to get it off my chest.

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Its not your fault, you could not have stopped something like this from happening. And just because you helped him buy the bike it doesnt mean you are responsible for him riding into a tree. As it is, its also a rumor right now. There are plenty of circumstances that could have caused this tragic accident but your involvement is not one of them...


I'm very sorry for loss..


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sorry for the loss man but like everyone else has said, don't put the blame on yourself. you didn't have your hand on the throttle and you had no control over any of the factors that led to what happened. keep your head up and you'll get through this.

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Crushing to hear, my friend. Condolences to you and the rest of his friends and family. And to add what others have said, you shouldn't carry any of the burden in this. It's not like you talked him into bikes all together. He had one, and this unfortunate event could have just as easliy happened on that machine. Save yourself the additional sadness. You are in my thoughts, bro.

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Sorry, to hear that.

I'm old enough to have lost many friends, many ways. None ever said anything before parting, whether they had the chance to or not. All you can do is put them in your heart, and tell yourself to listen closely to what they have to say. They could not have asked for anything more wonderful than that.

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  ross701 said:
sorry for the loss man but like everyone else has said, don't put the blame on yourself. you didn't have your hand on the throttle and you had no control over any of the factors that led to what happened. keep your head up and you'll get through this.

:plus1: We're all adults. We all make our own decisions. Just remember that. I know it's hard, but try if you can. I would stay off the bikes for a while, but if your anything like me....it wouldn't be long at all before i was back in the saddle. Bikes are bikes. Yes....they are dangerous, but if your not willing to accept that you may get seriously injured....or die on a bike. You shouldn't be on one. Life is about having fun and taking some risks. Not saying this changes, or fixes anything....but maybe your friend was having the time of his life riding his bike....before he passed.

All in all, sorry for your loss man. Always rough to hear of someone going.

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Wow man, sorry for your loss. I don't think it can be said enough though that you shouldn't put this on yourself. Even if you did help him get the bike. You take a certain risk every day that you wake up. You could die sitting in your house from an earthquake. You should always live your life to the fullest, and your friend would want you to do that. RIP fellow rider.

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RIP for your friend.

Use this as a way to reevaluate your own riding habits. Don't let his lose be in vain. We all ride our own rides and make our own judgement calls on how we ride.

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So so sorry to hear about your lost.

But do you really think he would want you to stop riding ??

not at all if anything say a pray for him before every ride you make. I do it for my little samantha. makes me feel like shes with me on every turn.

Take care brother..

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