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This weeks movie is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Mr Anderson

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So are you saying she is using me to get hit on by other guys. If we do go to the bar next week. Idk but she said she promised this time.

If she bails on you again, never, ever talk to her again. If for some horribly unlikely reason she calls you or attempts to talk to you about either her or her "friend", you have carte-fucking-blanche to be as big as a dick as you want to be. Never mind about hurting her feelings, she just stood you up TWICE. At some point, you have to look out for you and yours. Then tear up her number, put the paper scraps in some cornfield, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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If she bails on you again, never, ever talk to her again. If for some horribly unlikely reason she calls you or attempts to talk to you about either her or her "friend", you have carte-fucking-blanche to be as big as a dick as you want to be. Never mind about hurting her feelings, she just stood you up TWICE. At some point, you have to look out for you and yours. Then tear up her number, put the paper scraps in some cornfield, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


If you go out for drinks. DO NOT get drunk. Have a couple rum and cokes and then change it to plain coke. They will think you are still drinking but you will be sober and wont end up making a fool of yourself.;)

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If she bails on you again, never, ever talk to her again. If for some horribly unlikely reason she calls you or attempts to talk to you about either her or her "friend", you have carte-fucking-blanche to be as big as a dick as you want to be. Never mind about hurting her feelings, she just stood you up TWICE. At some point, you have to look out for you and yours. Then tear up her number, put the paper scraps in some cornfield, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

:plus1: and no thanks for the lady of the night. Sounds like stds all over the place.

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If you go out for drinks. DO NOT get drunk. Have a couple rum and cokes and then change it to plain coke. They will think you are still drinking but you will be sober and wont end up making a fool of yourself.;)

Good choice of drink. Yes to your plan.

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It is imperative that you dont get drunk. I'll have some more for ya when you post a pic. But I'll take it to PM's;)

Hell, if you need some help bolstering the ol' tolerance, I'm sure you will find some willing participants here...

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Hell, if you need some help bolstering the ol' tolerance, I'm sure you will find some willing participants here...

Notice I said a couple rum and cokes. I think if he has more than that he will be trashed.:D

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Hopefully she won't get her laptop stolen when you're trying to communicate with her.

I'd call her out on this and see what her reaction is. She's clearly bullshitting you, now you can tell how good of a liar she is.

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Notice I said a couple rum and cokes. I think if he has more than that he will be trashed.:D

All the more reason to start building the tolerance now. I think we need a Rocky montage... :D

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I'd call her out on this and see what her reaction is. She's clearly bullshitting you, now you can tell how good of a liar she is.

Maybe I am missing something. What does this laptop thing even mean?

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This thread needs to be moved to our non-existent "Men Only" forum like the chickies have on here

Good move on askin' about the friend. She already blew you off.....This lets her know you could give a shit, and will just move on to the next fishy who happens to be her friend. Rub her nose in it

Somebody else earlier had it right. True story......I used to be the proverbial "nice guy" that always respected women & treated them well. Bunch of my roomates' girlfriends got tired of seein' me get punked, and literally circled around me one night to give me this advice........

"Girls don't like nice guys......Girls like nice dicks. Quit bein' so nice"..... I'm talkin' the attitude, not the genitalia. I used to do the picnic crap, roses on first date, etc..... BULL$HIT! Thought it made me a romantic (which I was), but all it really did was make them think I was a wuss to be taken advantage of, or run from

After that.....I quit wearin' my heart on my sleeve & every date was the same challenge for me.....How many bases can I get on the first date? Let's just say my batting average was high, & I wasn't always the one getting hurt anymore ;) I won't say any more in open forum

Forgot my new rule twice, and got my heart broke HARD once because of it. That pain left a scar to remind me "never again". Gave the 2nd one a card with a quarter in it, and wrote for her to "use it to call me when she grows up". Never did get back together, but very satisfying for me ;)

Edited by Fonzie
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Just figured out what you meant before I read your expanation.....UmmmKayy

So is this fighting between us all the time an Oedipal thing towards your father?!? iwin.gif

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