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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2


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Another downfall, joining into a game that is already over. Usually on the losing team.

Overated perks...

Commando - extra knifing distance

What it should say is: Ridiculous amount of extra distance!

My son and his clan kicked ass all day by doing nothing but knifing with that perk. They didn't shoot one bullet. I couldn't believe how far you could be and still get the guy.

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Another downfall, joining into a game that is already over. Usually on the losing team.

Overated perks...

Commando - extra knifing distance

What it should say is: Ridiculous amount of extra distance!

lol yeah very ridiculous extra distance..i wont lie i use that perk though.. and the commando pro you get no falling damage..you can jump off the highest point on the map and just run off...still makes that noise that grosses me out everytime but doesnt effect you what so ever... pros and cons to that i guess

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I ended up in the same game as BigSpeazy earlier....he knifed me like 5 times :(

:D Sorry. (not really)

Saw you were on so I jumped into the game... and I had some rediculous kill streaks with just knife attacks. Nothin like jumpin from a second story down onto unsuspecting victims. I was trying to get the commando pro stuff... ended up going like 18-2, I thought holy hell.

If only I could watch my own replays of some of those.

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:D Sorry. (not really)

Saw you were on so I jumped into the game... and I had some rediculous kill streaks with just knife attacks. Nothin like jumpin from a second story down onto unsuspecting victims. I was trying to get the commando pro stuff... ended up going like 18-2, I thought holy hell.

If only I could watch my own replays of some of those.

Yeah replays of your own kills would be a nice feature. You using the tactical knife attachment?

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I play a lot, when I'm not working or at class. Which my quarter is over, so none of that until Jan 10th.

Xbox GT- oXKarmaEffectXo

hell yes you do, i've been watching your stats... fuck bra, put the controller down and check the outside! lol


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I've finally snagged a copy, and I've been playing a ton. For whatever reason, I'm not as good at it yet as I was in COD4, so I've mainly been playing Domination-- I grab a riot shield with the Commando perk, and remote-pummel the enemy and take the captures. Either that, or I play bullet-sponge while my teammates gank the distracted bad guys. Everyone always shoots the guy with the shield, leaving themselves wide open for the rest.

I'm on a lot in the evening, sometimes late. a3rik is my XBL gamertag, if anyone wants to join up.

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odd, i was a lot better at MW2 right off the bat than COD4. though it may have helped i had it 1st day out and no one new how to camp the maps yet...

It took me a couple days to get back to my cod4 ways...

and I hate the campers now. I end up using my n00btube class most of the time out of shear annoyance with "those" people.

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