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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2


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The nuke is stupid...but of course this comes from someone who won't ever be able to drop one.

It takes lots of practice...and it's not just your controller skills. You HAVE to know the hot spots on each map. The little boys that are owning you know exactly where to camp and are picking you off while you run around trying to find your cock in the wind. I think that's the most frustrating part. Not to mention that you also need to find a weapon that works for you in different types of situations...and pick the proper weapon and gear when you start the level. You can't go in and modify classes once the match starts..so you gotta have em set before hand. See if you can get into a few friendly private matches with people willing to show you the ropes or are at the same skill level so you can get a better comfort level. I like Domination and Team DM as far as learning/leveling up. I don't think FFA is kind to a noob...but that's just my opinion.

I go between having a lot of fun and wanting to kick my plasma into next week. If I didn't have a life, I could easily play this thing day and night and master the maps and weapons...but bills have to be played and porn has to be watched.

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Dont play a match and get your ass kicked then leave. Stay in that room and tough it out with better players. Watch were they go and what they do,maybe even ask what they use for classes and perks

Good advice. Watch were they go at the start of the match. There are a ton of boxes...stones...garbage dumps...etc you can jump on that aren't apparent to you until you try it.

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Kills from Air Drops don't count towards your kill streak.

So if you get an air drop with a c130, anything you kill with it doesn't count for the streak.

However if you get a harrier without the airdrop it counts towards the kill streak.

No difference between PS3 and XBOX.

Well that clears it up, I had it set for a drop at 4kills and was getting air strikes and stationary guns and they didnt help me get anything else. Was wondering cause in a ffa match i had 30 kills and only had a few drops and one harrier show up. But alot of the kills came from a air drop? That sucks guess I need to play with the settings somemore.

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I know there's a bunch of you guys on the 360 that I don't have on my list, so send me a request if you want. I've only played with JRM and Parks so far, and I know a lot more of you are on, so I'll keep a lookout.

tag - jarvismb (creativity is earned, not given)


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So i was on last night. Hardcore Team Deathmatch right. Friendly fire is on of course. i get an airdrop. go to a secluded spot, drop it and notice a teammate run over to me. Thought i was getting cover, WRONG, dude takes me out and steals my drop! WTF... So dude laughing as i tell him his ass is mine. so the rest of the match i spend hunting and killing him, yes, my teamate. :) so the tally is, he gets one crate from me and i kill him 12 times, 6 times with a tactical knife just for fun. he cries and says i'm a bitch and i need to stop. LOL... DIE FUCKER! i was -400 for the match but had 26 kills.

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So i was on last night. Hardcore Team Deathmatch right. Friendly fire is on of course. i get an airdrop. go to a secluded spot, drop it and notice a teammate run over to me. Thought i was getting cover, WRONG, dude takes me out and steals my drop! WTF... So dude laughing as i tell him his ass is mine. so the rest of the match i spend hunting and killing him, yes, my teamate. :) so the tally is, he gets one crate from me and i kill him 12 times, 6 times with a tactical knife just for fun. he cries and says i'm a bitch and i need to stop. LOL... DIE FUCKER! i was -400 for the match but had 26 kills.

xbox rep for you sir. preferred playa playa!

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So i was on last night. Hardcore Team Deathmatch right. Friendly fire is on of course. i get an airdrop. go to a secluded spot, drop it and notice a teammate run over to me. Thought i was getting cover, WRONG, dude takes me out and steals my drop! WTF... So dude laughing as i tell him his ass is mine. so the rest of the match i spend hunting and killing him, yes, my teamate. :) so the tally is, he gets one crate from me and i kill him 12 times, 6 times with a tactical knife just for fun. he cries and says i'm a bitch and i need to stop. LOL... DIE FUCKER! i was -400 for the match but had 26 kills.

Nice!!! Imaginary rep for you!

I don't think I have the estomach to handle these immature asswipes on Live.

Anyways...if you guys see me on and I don't respond, it's probably the kids.

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