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where was I this weekend?


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I took a trip down to West virginia. specifically i was staying in parsons. I've been there before, and will go there again (family). first the pics..


Just a few steps right?


I'd say its worth the walk.


The pictures just dont do a justice, those things are MASSIVE!! the "blades" are around 60' long iirc. if you look at the closest one, thats an 8 foot doorway on the lower right of the base. yeah. big.

Now, the part that you guys/gals would LOVE...the corners. OMFG. this is my second year there, and the second time i've kicked myself for not riding.

specifically, you want US route 50, and Route 119. IF you look it up on google earth (or terraserver, etc) you will see how insane the road is.

Im gonna try an get a photo of the section i drove. In my car, it was a blast. I saw SO very many bikes.

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I took a trip down to West virginia. specifically i was staying in parsons. I've been there before, and will go there again (family). first the pics..


Just a few steps right?


I'd say its worth the walk.


The pictures just dont do a justice, those things are MASSIVE!! the "blades" are around 60' long iirc. if you look at the closest one, thats an 8 foot doorway on the lower right of the base. yeah. big.

Now, the part that you guys/gals would LOVE...the corners. OMFG. this is my second year there, and the second time i've kicked myself for not riding.

specifically, you want US route 50, and Route 119. IF you look it up on google earth (or terraserver, etc) you will see how insane the road is.

Im gonna try an get an aerial photo of the section i drove. In my car, it was a blast. I saw SO very many bikes.

i was around there memorial day weekend. great roads, great sites, yeah and black water falls is amazing, and hell yeha thats a ton of steps... the windmill farm is cool as hell.

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you'll likely need a google earth plug-in of sorts.

not a big fan of banjo music, lol. I actually grew up in the city all of my life, and moving to the ravenna area was like culture shock to me. going to WV is just like being in another world...

btw, just from me, the stereotypes are so true. people do have that accent, they do have terrible teeth, and so on ( i mean no disrespect by this). but they're all very friendly, and cool as hell. just takes some time gettin' used to everything. + it sucks being 15 minutes from gas, food, cell phone reception, etc.

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