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Cols. Dispatch Helmet Poll


Should motorcyclists be required to wear helmets?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Should motorcyclists be required to wear helmets?

    • Yes
    • No

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As I stated in the other room...truce. It is dumb for us to fight. We are both intelligent, passionate individuals. Honestely, I have respect for you because you are passionate. I let my passion get the better of me, I apologize. Honestly, this goes to you too Ben. The reality is, we share a bond through biking that many don't. We shouldn't trash that by letting our other passions get the better of us. I say to you both, truce brothers.

Oh, and fusion, considering what you have done, especially Air Force, I truely apologize for the "pathetic life" comment. You have done more for this country than I could hope to and I respect what you have done greatly.

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As I stated in the other room...truce. It is dumb for us to fight. We are both intelligent, passionate individuals. Honestely, I have respect for you because you are passionate. I let my passion get the better of me, I apologize. Honestly, this goes to you too Ben. The reality is, we share a bond through biking that many don't. We shouldn't trash that by letting our other passions get the better of us. I say to you both, truce brothers.

Yeah some of it got carried away. Always up for a debate though. I think in this case it's definitely gone way OT.

Oh, and fusion, considering what you have done, especially Air Force, I truely apologize for the "pathetic life" comment. You have done more for this country than I could hope to and I respect what you have done greatly.


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OK, here's the real truth. For the past ten plus years that I had an HD I was helmetless. Jump on to a DR-Z400, it's an image thing, matching Icon. The really cool part, my choice! We live in one of the best states of the USA, enjoy and exorcise your freedoms!

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There is NO proof that second hand smoke kills people. Good thing you have a sheep as your icon because that is what you are. Blindly following what they tell you. Ask your doctor to give you the proof that second hand smoke has killed anyone. There is NO credible proof that second hand smoke kills anyone AND the uncredible "proof" is from studies where people are exposed to second hand smoke for very extended periods of time. Offer one SHRED of evidence before you make an assertion that it kills people every day. NOTHING and I MEAN NOTHING says that being exposed to second hand smoke in a bar or restaurant for a couple hours will have ANY lasting effect whatsoever. All I can say to you is BAAAAH BAAAAH! Keep listening to the insurance companies tell you their lies. Seriously, ask your doctor for one study that proves that second hand smoke kills. I promise you, he won't come up with one because one doesn't exist. It is a complete and utter MYTH!!! Not to mention there is PROOF that people get killed by drunk drivers. Honestly, there is more credible evidence to make drinking illegal than smoking!

Now it is the politicians? I thought we make the laws?? Hmmm. Politicians, no matter what they say will vote for what gets them votes. If enough people speak out about a law, the politician will vote against it. That is what I am trying to do. Get people like you to understand that it is the politicians and unless you speak out against government taking your freedom, they will keep voting for it. They will vote with the loudest voice.


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I'm pretty pissed about their one sided poll! I know I'll calm down, but right now I'm taking this one off the hook.

BITCH! You made it personal now by not accepting my vote without an opinion. The Columbus Dispatch is asking for a vote that will not be accepted without an opinion. I gave my opinion without foul language or names, but you all know how opiniated I can get, and mine got canned by some piss ant republican run propoganda newspaer!

I'm only getting started.

:lol:I just heard a couple people that work in my building bitching about how the Dispatch was a liberal rag... And generally, for the record, Reps are generally against helmet laws.

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How about if you decide not to wear a cover and you get in an accident with another vehicle your personal damages against the other vehicle are reduced?

Logic behind this? Same as an airbag or seatbelt. If you're not taking precautions it's not the other person's fault; you made the decision.

This is already holding up in the courts for drivers. And the insurance companies can make this type of change to your policy without it getting voted on anyway.

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How about if you decide not to wear a cover and you get in an accident with another vehicle your personal damages against the other vehicle are reduced?

Logic behind this? Same as an airbag or seatbelt. If you're not taking precautions it's not the other person's fault; you made the decision.

This is already holding up in the courts for drivers. And the insurance companies can make this type of change to your policy without it getting voted on anyway.

No Fucking Way! If you caused it, you're responsible. If they caused it why should they have an excuse to blame the victim. If the sun's in my eyes and I blow a redlight, take out a motorcyclist, my fault! It shouldn't matter whether he/she had a helmet on or not. This is exactly the type of logic the insurance lobbyists and government officials are looking for! Get your fucking head out of your ass and fight for the cause of responsibility instead of blame!

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I actually think the point is the extent of damages. Say you aren't wearing a seat belt (and by law you are required to wear one), but I cause the accident. During the accident however you are eject from the vehicle striking a near by pole and die. If it can be reasonably proven that you would have survived had you been following the law, I can't be held liable for manslaughter. You basically have "dirty hands".

The insurance companies look at it similarly I think. You weren't doing what you are supposed when operating the vehicle we aren't giving you shit beyond what would need to be covered had you been wearing your belt...

Of course I could be wrong.

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I actually think the point is the extent of damages. Say you aren't wearing a seat belt (and by law you are required to wear one), but I cause the accident. During the accident however you are eject from the vehicle striking a near by pole and die. If it can be reasonably proven that you would have survived had you been following the law, I can't be held liable for manslaughter. You basically have "dirty hands".

The insurance companies look at it similarly I think. You weren't doing what you are supposed when operating the vehicle we aren't giving you shit beyond what would need to be covered had you been wearing your belt...

Of course I could be wrong.

That was exactly what I was saying. I'm in no way trying to take away responsibility, or make anyone have to wear a helmet. I'm actually saying let ALL parties be responsible for the amount of damage caused in the incident. If you get hurt more because of something you weren't doing to protect yourself, it shouldn't be the other person's fault in any case, motorcycle rider or driver.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Your right satan I didn't look at as you did! I guess I have seen alot that maybe some have not seen so I thought passing the helmet law would be a good idea! I'm not one for the goverment to say what we can or can't do! I'm thankful that most people are smart enough to put on a helmet when they ride but if they don't go for it! yet I did leave a post under your Wear your fucking helmets! I was a little pissed off when some people said that since they are such great riders they don't need a helmet! Well natural selction!

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Well, I emailed this thread to the editor today. Here's my email to them:

On the website you have a poll posted of whether or not motorcyclists should wear helmets.


Most of your readers don't even ride, so we posted a poll on our website. It is for motorcyclists in Ohio.


Obviously, riders think differently than non-riders. I don't know if this will be of any use to you or not, or if you'll do anything with it. However, I thought it was good food for thought.

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