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Mr Anderson

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She canceled on me tonight!

That will be all. Just letting out my anger towards the woman that cancel on me.

I think Im going to go hit a strip club. Its my first time so Im bringing the bling at least the they don't cancel on me.

This is all you need Mr. A.



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rofl that looks like the guy from Clerks 2.

Randal Graves: Hey! Freddy f$#@$## Mercury! Where the f#%$ is Kelly?

Sexy Stud: [pointing at the donkey] This is Kelly!

Randal Graves: I thought that was the sexy stud.

Sexy Stud: *I'm* the sexy stud.

Randal Graves: But this donkey is a dude!

Sexy Stud: Kelly can be a guy's name too. Hey!

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this is tru five min is better than zero min :lol:

Ok I'm pretty sure all them are dudes that got sex changes. Min for their services is one hour. No negotiating according to all the ones that said they were woman.

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Ok I'm pretty sure all them are dudes that got sex changes. Min for their services is one hour. No negotiating according to all the ones that said they were woman.

they always say that but if you pull out and run they gotta catch ya

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nope but its says on their desription trans and some say female. I only looked at the female ones.

Kawi I am pretty fast so I would get out of there before they got me. :lol:

Just ask them how much it is to just put the tip in and then negotiate from there. :D You welcome.. :)

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