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Cambridge Police


Do you think Cambridge police made the right decision arresting Gates?  

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  1. 1. Do you think Cambridge police made the right decision arresting Gates?

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My bad I thought everyone read it before they passed judgement


I read it yesterday. I still don't understand the problem.

In the police report Gates says the door is unsecurable because of a prior break in. So it's unthinkable that someone was breaking into his home? Or that burglars might be inside, possibly having threatened his life if he tells the cops they're there? Seriously, where's the problem here other than Gates going batshit crazy claiming racism and Obama talking out his ass (because *gasp* Gates is one of his friends) then retracting his comments?


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Obama should have kept his mouth shut! All I see in all this is another way the Feds are to involved in the States/local business. The whole thing makes me sick! One step closer to the Nanny State that's inevitable with this type of interference. If there is an argument than let a jury figure it out with all the documented facts. :rolleyes:

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first of all, in ohio the only time you are required to show a cop your license is when you are operating a motor vehicle. other than that, if you are walking down the street, in your house, or otherwise NOT operating a motor vehicle, all you are legally required to do is tell the officer your name, address and birthdate. thats all that the law requires. im not 100% but i dont think MA has a stop and identify law.

this guy was arrested AFTER they already knew he was the resident of the house, and thats the problem. once the cop realizes you are the lawful occupant, he should GTFO. it doesnt matter if the resident mouths off to you. its not illegal to mouth off to a cop. at that point the cops should have just taken the high road and been more professional, and just left and not let his words antagonize them, gone back to their car and said "man that guy sure was an asshole" and left it at that.

that being said, i dont think this specific event had anything to do with race. i think the cop was just pissy that this dude was mouthing off to him. too bad. build a bridge and get over it.

not to say that racial profiling doesnt occur, because it does. but just not in this case.

all in all it was not a good showing for gates nor the cops.

Edited by John
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If there is an argument than let a jury figure it out with all the documented facts. :rolleyes:

I'll second that. The arresting officer should sue Gates for slander and/or vice versa. Let it go to court. Bring in the witnesses. Let the court figure it out. There were several witnesses at the scene, including police officers and neighbors. Unless this man is hated in the neighborhood, his neighbors will tell the truth.

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I read it yesterday. I still don't understand the problem.

In the police report Gates says the door is unsecurable because of a prior break in. So it's unthinkable that someone was breaking into his home? Or that burglars might be inside, possibly having threatened his life if he tells the cops they're there? Seriously, where's the problem here other than Gates going batshit crazy claiming racism and Obama talking out his ass (because *gasp* Gates is one of his friends) then retracting his comments?


The problem is a cop pulls up in an unmarked cruiser and starts asking questions. Maybe the cop should have taken a moment to show his ID first as he was in an unmarked car. Second after he gets ID "to verify his residence" he radios for the Harvard PD. He had the ID so why did more cops need to be called in? I am sure if "several" cops showed up at your work you would be pissed too.

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first of all, in ohio (not sure about MA) the only time you are required to show a cop your license is when you are operating a motor vehicle. other than that, if you are walking down the street, in your house, or otherwise NOT operating a motor vehicle, all you are legally required to do is tell the officer your name, address and birthdate.

Even if the reason for calling was a possible home break-in? So you're saying that I can go break in someone's house and if the cops come just tell them that I'm the homeowner and I'm ok...As long as I've done a bit of research I can find the name, address, and birthdate of the true homeowner...I don't think that's true...

this guy was arrested AFTER they already knew he was the resident of the house, and thats the problem. once the cop realizes you are the lawful occupant, he should GTFO. it doesnt matter if the resident mouths off to you. its not illegal to mouth off to a cop. at that point the cops should have just taken the high road and been more professional, and just left and not let his words antagonize them, gone back to their car and said "man that guy sure was an asshole" and left it at that.

that being said, i dont think this specific event had anything to do with race. i think the cop was just pissy that this dude was mouthing off to him. too bad. build a bridge and get over it.

not to say that racial profiling doesnt occur, because it does. but just not in this case.

all in all it was not a good showing for gates nor the cops.

He was making verbal insults toward the officer, I think at that point it's disorderly...


Edited by dustinsn3485
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I'll second that. The arresting officer should sue Gates for slander and/or vice versa. Let it go to court. Bring in the witnesses. Let the court figure it out. There were several witnesses at the scene, including police officers and neighbors. Unless this man is hated in the neighborhood, his neighbors will tell the truth.

And that crowd gathered while Gates was inside. They were not there because Gates was mouthing off, they were there because there were at least three cruisers in the middle of a narrow ass street

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I'm sorry, but if someone called the cops because they thought someone was breaking into my home, I'd be thankful the neighbors cared, and thankful the police actually showed up.

true, but i would definitely hope that my neighbors actually know what i look like. if i saw my neighbor trying to break into his own house, i wouldnt call the cops, as there is no reason to.

its important to actually know who your neighbors are and talk to them once in a while.

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Operator: "911, what's your emergency?"

Caller: "There is a 58 year old man smashing the windows and climbing into this house. The residents are on vacation."

Operator: "Sir, did you say the man was 58 years old?"

Caller: "Yes, why?"

Operator: "58 year old men do not break into houses!" "Sir, you need to find something better to do than waste the tax payers money by tying up the emergency phone line."



The report was actually 2 people breaking in. Him, and his driver, I think.

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tough guy cop got called stupid by the president of the united states.

When you say it that way it sounds hilarious! But Obama should still STFU. He's losing credibility with stunts like this. I laugh when I hear some people saying that they want their vote back, lolz!

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first of all, in ohio the only time you are required to show a cop your license is when you are operating a motor vehicle. other than that, if you are walking down the street, in your house, or otherwise NOT operating a motor vehicle, all you are legally required to do is tell the officer your name, address and birthdate. thats all that the law requires. im not 100% but i dont think MA has a stop and identify law.

This is true. There was a case in Old Brooklyn involving Best Buy about eighteen months ago that came to this very conclusion.

this guy was arrested AFTER they already knew he was the resident of the house, and thats the problem. once the cop realizes you are the lawful occupant, he should GTFO. it doesnt matter if the resident mouths off to you. its not illegal to mouth off to a cop. at that point the cops should have just taken the high road and been more professional, and just left and not let his words antagonize them, gone back to their car and said "man that guy sure was an asshole" and left it at that.

It's illegal if you're causing a public disturbance, which he clearly was.

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Even if the reason for calling was a possible home break-in? So you're saying that I can go break in someone's house and if the cops come just tell them that I'm the homeowner and I'm ok...As long as I've done a bit of research I can find the name, address, and birthdate of the true homeowner...I don't think that's true...

when they call your info in, and the dispatcher responds back with a description you better hope you match it. if im 6'4 and 300 pounds and black, and the description of the name i gave comes back 5'5" 130 and white. theres gonna be trouble.

also, the vast majority of break ins are crimes of opportunity, not stuff thats planned out in advance, so id say you are grasping at straws here.

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And the black officer that was there, what's his opinion???


A black police officer who was at Henry Louis Gates Jr.'s home when the black Harvard scholar was arrested says he fully supports how his white fellow officer handled the situation.

Maybe that'll end this debate???

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The bottom line is this guy showed an ID. The ID stated he was a professor at Harvard University. Once that was established the officer should have not called any other units and tried to avoid embarrassment for either party involved. Professor Gates has a resume that the combined OR.net community couldn't hold a candle to.

You guys are brutal. I would have apologized for the trouble and spent a couple of hours talking to him if I was the cop on scene.

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Obama has a history with the Cambridge, MA police!!! He's biased!!! :lol:


According to the Somerville Times in 2007, as a Harvard Law School student, Obama got 17 parking tickets during 1989-1991 from the Cambridge Police Department that he left unpaid until just weeks before he announced his bid for the presidency.

"In other words, as a practicing lawyer in Chicago, he allowed these tickets and penalties to remain unpaid; as an Illinois state senator he allowed these tickets and fines to remain unpaid; and as a United States senator he allowed these almost-two-decade-old signs of his disdain for the law to remain unpaid," commented John LeBoutillier on Newsmax.com.

The Washington Post said two years ago that the tickets included parking without a proper permit and parking in a bus stop.

The Associated Press reported in 2007 that Obama's "healthy stack" of parking tickets was finally paid, including late fees, "two weeks before he officially launched his presidential campaign."

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It's illegal if you're causing a public disturbance, which he clearly was.

cambridge municipal code:

Disorderly Conduct: No person shall behave himself in a rude or disorderly manner, or use any indecent, profane or insulting language in any street or public place. No person shall make or cause to be made, any unnecessary noise or noises in any public street, private way or park, so as to cause any inconvenience or discomfort for the inhabitants of the City.

(Prior code § 13-5)

the first question is, is your porch considered public or private property?

secondly, you think the cops arrest everyone on the street they hear say fuck for some antiquated notion of "disorderly conduct"? i doubt it.

that definition is so broad they could probably arrest ANYONE for disorderly conduct at one time or another. its one of those things the cops keep in their pocket to use as a punitive measure against someone who pisses them off.

Edited by John
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That doesn't mean you're above everything, and that definitely doesn't mean shit.

Nope, it doesn't mean that you are above everything but it means that if you fuck with him the president will call you stupid, and get to be on the news a lot.

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