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i think its actually unnecesary drama from people like me who should be working instead of replying to this post... but i get it. someone couldnt of just sent a kind reminder before going off in the very beginning?

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i think its actually unnecesary drama from people like me who should be working instead of replying to this post... but i get it. someone couldnt of just sent a kind reminder before going off in the very beginning?

But would it have been as entertaining...? hm?

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i think its actually unnecesary drama from people like me who should be working instead of replying to this post... but i get it. someone couldnt of just sent a kind reminder before going off in the very beginning?

But who went off? I don't get it. I read her other thread, and nothing came off as mean to me.


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This isn't Craigslist, if you're looking for a community of bikers and want to introduce yourself and get into the "scene" that's cool. There are many newbs here looking for bikes.

If you're here just to spam looking for a bike, take it to Craigslist and GTFO.

Sorry if I'm harsh, but coming in here and having your first post say, "I want a bike" and that's it is a little gay.

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i think its actually unnecesary drama from people like me who should be working instead of replying to this post... but i get it. someone couldnt of just sent a kind reminder before going off in the very beginning?

Guessing you didn't read her other thread (here it is)

First 10 responses to her first post were hellos, lists of bikes for sale, and questions regarding what type of bike she is looking for.

No drama except from her, and NO ONE went off in the least.

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Worried Freshman (Ryan Carlberg): "It's like this itchy, rashy, burning sensation. And it hurts when I..."

Van: "Dance?"

Worried Freshman: "No, when I pee!"

Van: "You hooked up with byrner. Didn't you?"

Worried Freshman: "yeah."

Van: "She seamed like a nice girl, said it was her first time. Yeah, you should always check the quality of the turf before you step out onto the field. Liston, go to the campus hospital. See stu. Tell him Van sent you. And remember, Don't be a fool, wrap your tool."

Worried Freshman: "Thanks Van, thanks a lot."

Van: "Dont't thank me. Thank penicillin."


She failed at this thread ,and doesn't do the forum thing, has had bad experiences with it, so unless you know her, Back the FUCK off with this kinda shit !!


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She failed at this thread ,and doesn't do the forum thing, has had bad experiences with it, so unless you know her, Back the FUCK off with this kinda shit !!


Catwhatthefuckareyoutalkingaboutman, it is a quote from a movie "Van Wilder", nobody said anything mean to her so once you and her are done raggin', everything will be fine

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"Smells like someone died."

Ah' date=' great movie.. historically inaccurate, but great to watch.[/quote']

It's real to me, dammit!

Seriously though, have you ever been to the real Tombstone, AZ? The entire place is a MASSIVE tourist trap. I'll have to take some pictures next time I'm down there, I have to drive through Tombstone and Bisbee (sweet copper mine tours there) to get to our warehouse in Douglas.

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hrm... yeah, i was trying to explain to her, in what i thought was pretty nice and straight forward way, why people were being weird in her thread. I think I was repaid by receiving a PM from what I am assuming was a friend of hers attempting to call me a bitch... honestly it was such poor english I couldn't tell whether she was calling me or herself a bitch though... srsly.

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hrm... yeah, i was trying to explain to her, in what i thought was pretty nice and straight forward way, why people were being weird in her thread. I think I was repaid by receiving a PM from what I am assuming was a friend of hers attempting to call me a bitch... honestly it was such poor english I couldn't tell whether she was calling me or herself a bitch though... srsly.


lets see this message...i think everyone would enjoy poking fun at the bad grammer and stupidity of the person who sent it :D

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Hrm... well, I'm not trying to start shit, and the thing is, the person who sent me the message has not posted on the board at all yet, so I'm pretty certain that I would like to give them a chance to be on the board - if that's what they choose - without everyone thinking they're a bitch... plus, like i said, the grammar/typing was so bad, maybe i misinterpreted and they were trying to call themselves a bitch... idk??

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Hrm... well, I'm not trying to start shit, and the thing is, the person who sent me the message has not posted on the board at all yet, so I'm pretty certain that I would like to give them a chance to be on the board - if that's what they choose - without everyone thinking they're a bitch... plus, like i said, the grammar/typing was so bad, maybe i misinterpreted and they were trying to call themselves a bitch... idk??

then just post it anonymously :D

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but she's "gone", so it's cool. :)

it wasn't even her... it was someone else... regardless, it doesn't matter... what would be stellar is if she could come here and realize we weren't attacking her and that nobody wants to see her boobs, and that we are indeed a motorcycle forum for people who want to ride together and whatnot, so none of us were trying to be rude. Though, to be honest, I think people who are offended that easily won't make it long on this board anyway.

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