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Lance (Wheezle, Ol' Springer, etc) was hit by a car on his bike


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Damn dude, glad you are basically alright! We'd have stopped up to see you but we're outta town!

Heal up fast! Our prayers are with you for a quick recovery!

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Lance, I'm so sorry! I'm hope you heal up real quick and are back to unexpectedly humping my leg:leghump: in Hooter's parking lots real soon!


Be good! Those poor nurses.

Get well soon!

I sure missed alot of posts yesterday while studying.

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Lance, buddy, I just saw all this... I am so sorry this happened. we really should have some sort of phone tree cause some of us don't have the ability to get on here as easily as others. I'll try to call ben today and find out which hospital you are at and come see you.... take care man, feel better, hit on hottie nurses, see if you can talk them into some naked jello wrestling...

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Just left the hospital he is awake and talking. Still has the c- collar on waiting for c- scan to be cleared. Road rash on right arm hand and leg. The rash is pretty bad, but he's doing good. They're pumping him with drugs. His parents and sister are there. He wasn't stopped. He was going like 35. Guy that hit him was arrested. He had four warrants out for his arrest, didn't have a license and no insurance. Real winner. At least lance is ok.

:mad: Just shoot him now.

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oh I saw where the guy wasn' insured.... that sucks, but I do have some good news if the insurance cuts you a good enough check ......http://www.cyclecrazy.com/2007-Honda/2007-Honda.htm I know you could prolly do better, but this one is done and all ya gotta do is pick it up and ride.... gotta get you back out there dude...

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How much you wanna' bet I can get some blood out of him? :mad:

You may be onto something. What's the fair market value of a pint of blood?

You can't pay?... your blood will be spilled at the victims' discretion, up to the amount of monetary damages caused. Not necessarily all at once, but through a series of beatings, whippings, and slashings.

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we do know that the vehical was actually insured.just not the driver... so he will be taken care of

Yep. The driver did not have insurance, but the owner of the vehicle did. She and her insurance Co. will be responsible for any bills and the bike, hopefully more.

Lesson learned- don't let an uninsured, douche with no license borrow your car. Not only will he fuck you over, he will also almost kill our friends.

I hope when he was jail and asked what he did, there was some drunk hardcore biker there to whoop on him him a bit.

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Get healed up quick' date=' brother. Sorry to hear about your ride, but I'm very relieved that you're alive and almost kicking. You'll be fixed up in no time at all.

[rant']...about the insurance.. it's a good thing we have laws in place that require people to drive with insurance. Also, the fact that it's illegal to drive without a license surely was helpful in this situation. :rolleyes:[/rant]

yeah I am sure their state minimum safe auto insurance will cover at least the ambulance ride and the first 15 minutes in the hospital

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