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  JRMMiii said:
Not as wrong as "you are" (supposed to be your, not you're) grammar. :rolleyes:

So that's all you could come up with out of my post is I used the wrong word. And a neg rep for it. . And even though I may not agree with your opinion on something, I would not give you a neg rep because you are entitled to your own opinion. I wasn't saying your opinion was wrong, I said it because you said "no matter the wrongitude"-their opinion was wrong. And wrongitude isn't even a real word, and your comment on my rep, I may have used incorrect grammar, but you didn't use any pronunciation. So who is calling the kettle black?

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Once again (like i told RedRidingHood), if I'd have neg repped you... you'd probably be in the red. So, take your baseless accusations elsewhere. And point out the hypocrisy, please?

Because just like the AWESOME tags to this thread... I like seeing e-arguments. Humor this good can't be all bad...

Edited by JRMMiii
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  JRMMiii said:
Once again (like i told RedRidingHood), if I'd have neg repped you... you'd probably be in the red. So, take your baseless accusations elsewhere.

What baseless accusations are you referring to? If you can jump on something so minor as "your and you're" but it's ok to not use capital letter or periods and capitalize "I" (like i told RedRidingHood)" . Clarify.

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  JRMMiii said:
Not as wrong as "you are" (supposed to be your, not you're) grammar. :rolleyes:

Here is what you said.

And the rep:

"the military should have taught you better grammar"

So it wasn't you? If not, I apologize for accusing you, but the comments are too close.

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  RSVDon said:
Yeah, you're in the minority. I tried to think positive about all of this in the beginning but I've lost all hope. I'm pretty sure my generation is completely fucked. :o

we've BEEN fucked. been fucked since reagan.

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No, that absolutely was not me. Probably the same people that gave me positive rep for busting on your grammar skillz. I don't know, but I do know you shouldn't publically accuse people of stuff you have no evidence of. That's a pretty lame character flaw.

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  JRMMiii said:
No, that absolutely was not me. Probably the same people that gave me positive rep for busting on your grammar skillz. I don't know, but I do know you shouldn't publically accuse people of stuff you have no evidence of. That's a pretty lame character flaw.

Then I stand corrected and apologize for accusing you. But for you to accuse me of bad grammar then for you to use a word that doesn't exist or not to capitalize "I" is not any better. Hipocrisy, and then not admitting to it, pretty lame too.

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  chevysoldier said:
Its not the rep, it was the basis behind the rep. Someone saying I used bad grammar, then turning around and doing the same thing. Thats my point.

Dude, irregardless of the wrongitude of your inabilitieness to frase a sentense the hole conversashon is moo

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  JRMMiii said:
Admitting to what? I used the right word... I missed the shift key.

If anything, it's a misspelling, not a grammatical error. i means I - unmistakably.

You're does NOT mean your.

<thread diversion successful>

He was referring to a comment in his rep. I guess someone said "wrongitude" that's what he was saying isn't a word.

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  JRMMiii said:
Admitting to what? I used the right word... I missed the shift key.

If anything, it's a misspelling, not a grammatical error. i means I - unmistakably.

You're does NOT mean your.

<thread diversion successful>

I was refering to "wrongitude" Go to wester's dictonary, type in "wrongitude" This is what comes up:

"The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above"

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Ohh, yea... wrongitude. I completely made that up. That's not a real word. unless you count the urbandictionary as a credible source: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wrongitude

Readin's don't never not dun nuthin' for not nobody, Never not no-one didn't about no reason, not never, and by god they never not ain't gonna will!
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  wrillo said:
but it doesn't really matter because

1. this is the interwebs

2. wrongitude SHOULD be a word

3. interwebs SHOULD be a word too!

But you're and your is a huge deal then? And if its interwebs, then why does your/you're matter if you could figure out what was meant anyways?

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  JRMMiii said:
Ohh, yea... wrongitude. I completely made that up. That's not a real word. unless oyu count the urbandictionary as a credible source: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wrongitude

on no! you put oyu and not you! typing too fast? Yeah, happens huh.

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  chevysoldier said:
But you're and your is a huge deal then? And if its interwebs, then why does your/you're matter if you could figure out what was meant anyways?

and thats why its called slang, brutha!

or if you prefer, 133t 5P3/-\|<

or txt tlk

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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

See, it doesn't matter how you type it. People can figure it out, so :flingpoo:

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