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Does this feature exist or was I dreaming?


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I am pretty sure I remember last year something being sent out that we could e-mail (or maybe text) a picture from our cell phones to an OR web address www.ohioriders.com/mrbret/blahblahblah etc that would show up in our picture folder or something?

Did this really happen?

Was I dreaming?

Was I drunk?

Did the post get lost in the big crash of 2008?

or did I just up with a super cool new idea?

Mods, anyone?


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Bugger...... Are you sure. I swear I remember seeing something like that but had a crap phone at the time so never used the feature.

Oh well.

Pretty sure you were drunk. It's fairly impossible for that to even work because of the way the albums are. So yeah, you had to have been drunk.

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Pretty sure you were drunk. It's fairly impossible for that to even work because of the way the albums are. So yeah, you had to have been drunk.

I guess you could have an email receiver that parses the images into a "upload" directory, then an automated script that goes out and parses those into a blank album... but that's a shit ton of custom work to get about 20%.... integration with Facebook Upload Gallery would be cool.

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why in the world are you dreaming about the interwebz?

I dont think I was dreaming as such, I think I just thought that feature was on here but seem to have been quite wrong....... FAIL on my part :(

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I guess you could have an email receiver that parses the images into a "upload" directory, then an automated script that goes out and parses those into a blank album... but that's a shit ton of custom work to get about 20%.... integration with Facebook Upload Gallery would be cool.
what about the albums makes this impossible? Couldn't we associate a phone number with a user name? Albums are already associated with usernames... whats the impossible part?

First off, we don't host our own email for the Ohio Riders domain. I use Google enterprise. So I'd have to change that, or at least have POP setup to monitor email. Then, we'd have to create a unique, random email address for each member. And to add another degree of difficulty, the images are stored in the database and not as flat files. As for doing it via MMS, we'd have to use either a free service that puts ads in or pay for a service to even accept MMS. It wouldn't be impossible, but fairly impossible. I'll ponder it for a while, but I don't think the payoff would be worth the work.

As for the facebook integration, I've been playing around with their API.

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First off, we don't host our own email for the Ohio Riders domain. I use Google enterprise. So I'd have to change that, or at least have POP setup to monitor email. Then, we'd have to create a unique, random email address for each member. And to add another degree of difficulty, the images are stored in the database and not as flat files. As for doing it via MMS, we'd have to use either a free service that puts ads in or pay for a service to even accept MMS. It wouldn't be impossible, but fairly impossible. I'll ponder it for a while, but I don't think the payoff would be worth the work.

As for the facebook integration, I've been playing around with their API.

kinda sucks they're stored in the database. Couldn't have one e-mail address that everyone sends to, then have a script to save the file accordingly depending on the phone number it came from? regarding accepting MMS

experiment: take a picture on your phone. send it, but instead of using your contacts or a phone number, change the entry mode so you can type in your e-mail address casper@aol.com, whatev. Wait for e-mail. Add e-mail address to contact list for future use

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kinda sucks they're stored in the database. Couldn't have one e-mail address that everyone sends to, then have a script to save the file accordingly depending on the phone number it came from? regarding accepting MMS

experiment: take a picture on your phone. send it, but instead of using your contacts or a phone number, change the entry mode so you can type in your e-mail address casper@aol.com, whatev. Wait for e-mail. Add e-mail address to contact list for future use

The problem I had with getting vB to accept zip file uploads and auto extract on the server is that the database stores the attachment as a blob and then assigns the correct extension on display.... so essentially you open up a jpeg in notepad.... that's how vB stores it... but this was in a previous version of vB, Casper has more experience on it.

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The problem I had with getting vB to accept zip file uploads and auto extract on the server is that the database stores the attachment as a blob and then assigns the correct extension on display.... so essentially you open up a jpeg in notepad.... that's how vB stores it... but this was in a previous version of vB, Casper has more experience on it.

the files shouldn't be zipped... ?

Storing as a blob is the only way I know how to store binary data into the database. You'd need a php file to "fetch" the data for you and add the extension, which is why its unfortunate they're stored in the database. You shouldn't have to call php to fetch from a SQL database just to display a damn jpeg. Then again, we could make this little system separate from the DB since we're working from nothing (asside from filename associations and such)

Edited by wrillo
typos everywhere
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the files shouldn't be zipped... ?

Storing as a blob is the only way I know how to store binary data into the database. You'd need a php file to "fetch" the data for you and add the extension, which is why its unfortunate they're stored in the database. You shouldn't have to call php to fetch from a SQL database just to display a damn jpeg. Then again, we could make this little system separate from the DB since we're working from nothing (asside from filename associations and such)

OT: the reason for the zip/extraction was due to a GIANT migration. The admin had asked people to all help out by grabbing pictures and attachments so they could be upoaded to the new forum. So, instead of increasing attachment numbers or anything else, he wanted people to be able to attach a zipped file, then have the thread auto-extract the contents... It was REALLY messy.

Back to the topic, your gripe is justified I'm sure... all for the sake of being proprietary amirite!?

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OT: the reason for the zip/extraction was due to a GIANT migration. The admin had asked people to all help out by grabbing pictures and attachments so they could be upoaded to the new forum. So, instead of increasing attachment numbers or anything else, he wanted people to be able to attach a zipped file, then have the thread auto-extract the contents... It was REALLY messy.

Back to the topic, your gripe is justified I'm sure... all for the sake of being proprietary amirite!?

oh I got ya.. that is a cool functionality. I don't think you can send more than one picture at a time from a phone. So that simplifies it down nicely

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oh I got ya.. that is a cool functionality. I don't think you can send more than one picture at a time from a phone. So that simplifies it down nicely

Depends on the carrier, some carriers automatically convert the MMS to an email if it's going to an email, or if it contains multiple images. Other carriers maintain the MMS functionality.

Then it gets into the receiving end, some carriers automatically parse it to the users @carrier email address, that way it shows up as a TXT but really it's an email.

It's not fun. But to Casper's point, any solution you look at, if you want the sent image to go to that particular user's album (instead of a big global upload folder) it requires either, a different email address for each user to send to, or logic on the email host to say "ok, this email is from wrillo" Either way it's not easy, I agree it's probably not a huge benefit. Particularly if Casper finds a way to just have one of your albums be fed directly from Facebook.... that solves the whole problem :)

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It's not fun. But to Casper's point, any solution you look at, if you want the sent image to go to that particular user's album (instead of a big global upload folder) it requires either, a different email address for each user to send to, or logic on the email host to say "ok, this email is from wrillo" Either way it's not easy, I agree it's probably not a huge benefit. Particularly if Casper finds a way to just have one of your albums be fed directly from Facebook.... that solves the whole problem :)

what, you haven't heard of e-mail filters? but very true. I wouldn't expect as much from one person, and facebook does solve everything. Let us know when you want to put together the OR development team Casper! :D

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