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My Rant


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I've been riding for a couple of years now and things have started to piss me off a bit. I'll list them:

1) Assholes who ride around with their helmet attached to the side of their bike. WTF!?!?! What are they planning on doing? Putting the helmet on WHEN they get into a crash. I saw some asshole riding down I-270 with the helmet attached to his bike. What's he saving the helmet for?!?!? When he gets on the "real" dangerous roads? <Note: this should not be confused with people who simply don't wear their helmet. If you don't want to wear a helmet, that's fine. But to ride while its attached to you're bike simply says, "I know I SHOULD be wearing a helmet and have in fact purchased one, but I just choose to be an asshole and not wear it at this moment."

2) The term "squid." Everyone was a begeinner at one point or another. Why do we have a separate term for motorcyclists. The term is pointless and was probably made up by someone who couldn't ride themselves but chose to distinguish himself from the "really poor" riders.

3) Waving... Now, if you're on a sportbike and I'm on a sportbike, I will make a reasonable effort to wave. We're all bike riders and you understand the risks involved when riding a sportbike. On cruisers etc., I generally wait to be waved at before I wave. Just so I don't look like a dumbass that is waving at people who are ignoring me. BUT, the past few weeks, people on SCOOTERS have been waiving at me. Like we're in the same click. NO NO NO... If you're on a fucking Vespa, keep both hands on the wheel or your fanny pack. I don't want to be responsible for you wrecking that thing. And BTW, we ain't riding the same type of machine so don't bother waving (even though I waive back when waved upon). Upgrade to a 250cc or 500cc and then we can roll together.

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1) I just cant understand the cool factor with the helment thing.Maybe i need to ask..lol

2)To me there not squids.Squid is a term i use well lets say for the guy with the helment on his ride(Refer back to 1).I use the term..NOVICE for the beginner riders.

3) I wave at everyone on 2 wheels.To me we are equal .If they dont wave back ..OH WELL....I guess the ugly chick in the car behide him feels better or tell her friend HEY HE WAVED AT ME..(so someone appreciates it)...LOL

Just thought id add my 2 cents

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I can add to #1 just because I have asked someone who does this why the fuck he does it. He doesn't put the helmet on the side though, it is under the cargo net on the back seat area... he rides without the helmet during the day but puts the helmet on at night when his head gets cold... I'm not shitting you either.

Oh, and we even had bicycles wave at us yesterday... we got a good laugh out of that and decided they must have been drunk (either alcohol, or by just seeing a couple thousand motorcycles at bike night).

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1. Helmet on the side is a frame slider :) in all honesty, i think these riders want noticed by someone from the opposite sex...well, if you're south of taco hell on campus...maybe it's someone from the SAME sex. :)

2. I think the SQUID term is for someone who's under-dressed. Putty occasionally gets all 'squidly' on us...especially when he's trying to look good (yeah, almost impossible...i know).

My biggest pet peeve, at the moment, is when someone on a cruiser announces they arrived at QSL by revving their bike with optional burnout.

I'm with Eagle on the waiving thing...i waive to 90% of the 2wheeled travelers.

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If under-dressed = squid, I've been riding as a squid since I got my bike because my jacket is on backorder at Shadetree (yes I've looked elsewhere too). I should have it in like 2 weeks though, then I'll be slightly less squidly.

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No Helmet, in my eyes means either dumb or too cool. Morons in my opinion.

Squid is a term we used back in the early 80's in BMX for a dude who was all over the track. Couldn't hold his line. Next thing you know his elbow would be trying to lock into yours.

I always wave. I'm not too cool for my own good. I actually get a perverse thrill outta waiving to cool cruiser types who look angry and ignore me. I really don't understand the "sport" or "cruiser" click. Let alone scooter or DS thing. You're all my bros while on the road. BTW, at the Dragon this week, I saw a group of college types, male and female on Vespa's. They were having a great time and road as well or in some cases better than the dudes on sport bikes looking like they just came from an photo shoot.

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Oh geez, I forgot about the cruiser's and their OBNOXIOUSLY loud pipes. You'd think every damn cruiser at bike events were just about to stall with the way some of those asses rev those suckers. I just want to run off and kick their tailpipes when they do it right next to me too. BAH!

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Where should I start....#1. Never ever take yourself too seriously..#2 ALLWAYS take tin cans very seriously..lmao at the first thread...brother you really need to concentrate your passions in a better direction..#3 ALLWAYS watch out for the dumb-asses on the road.Since you didn't interrogate the asshole with the non-worn brain bucket you can assume a thousand different ideas, all or none may be correct...I have died with a brain bucket on..The only time I would wear one now is if I know I'm gonna be moving faster than 45, usually just the highway. I know that I may be tempting fate, but I firmly believe that if its your time to crossover there isn't much you can say about it.

I'm pullin for ya...were all in this together...:cheers:

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We're all not in this together. There are different TYPES of passions for riding. Some ride for different reasons than others. I know what my reason for riding is, and I already know I'd never ride with the type of rider you are Motorsal. Therefore, I can't say I'm in this together with you. Sorry bud. ;) Just being honest.

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^ But what's wrong with expressing some good will and good vibe out on the road? I don't ride with my cruiser friends, which is unfortunately all of them. But I'll wave when I pass them. We are all in it together, fighting for respect and rights on the road, all two wheelers are bros.

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Squid is a wanna be term. Been around since the eighties. Generally it meant you weren't fast enough or smart enough to put your bike on the track instead of the street, or in general, you bought a bike bigger than your ego! Street racing is superfast these days and if you make the wrong decision, you will end up with a felony or worse.

The worst part of a felony, you can't get a passport to see me in Costa Rica.

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^ But what's wrong with expressing some good will and good vibe out on the road? I don't ride with my cruiser friends, which is unfortunately all of them. But I'll wave when I pass them. We are all in it together, fighting for respect and rights on the road, all two wheelers are bros.

:postcop:Oh no, you interpreted what I said wrong. I was commenting on the "all in it together". I wave at EVERYONE. If you don't wave back you get the finger if I can give it to you in time before you fly by me. :p

BTW, you're absolutely right and I agree with you Loud and Low. ;) We are in it together for the respect and rights on the road. But I don't consider all people on 2 wheels my bro. I'd always help a fellow biker and wave at one, but I don't consider them a friend just because they're on 2 wheels. Just my feelings ofcourse.

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:postcop:Oh no, you interpreted what I said wrong. I was commenting on the "all in it together". I wave at EVERYONE. If you don't wave back you get the finger if I can give it to you in time before you fly by me. :p

LOL, that's funny. I wave at pretty much anybody on two wheels. If you don't wave back oh well, no sweat off my back.

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There were 10 or more Harleys that rode past my buddy and I "06Ninja6" here on the board. Anyways, he would confirm that none waved and I flipped as many as I could off. haha...pissed me off, it was a country road with only us on it and they were really close to us too and they STILL ignored our waves! Fuck 'em! :p

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Ok guys... I agree w most of the rants. I wave at all bikes

but dont consider a vespa to be a motorcycle. Most of the riders are just pansy ass liberals who couldnt bring themselves to park a real motorcycle next to the prius in fear of making the neighbors mad and getting burned at the stake at a convention. PANSIES yes I said it. To lazy to pedal and too

much of a pansy to get a real bike w more than a weed wacker engine that would kill the earth. Just got back from New England and the fuckers were everywhere w the Vespas. GAY!!! Would have been cool at the age of 14.5 but after that grow some junk and man up!!! ( or woman up!!).

As far as the loud exhausts on cruisers. Sorry I guess I cant announce my arrival that way any more cause someones ears might be hurt.(pansy)

Trade in your nuts for the two cents their worth.

About the waving at cruisers and not getting a response. Thank all your dick head friends on sport bikes that think they are better than a guy on a cruiser and make motorcyclists look bad by doing 180mph on 71 just to smack his head on the ground and make the jack asses at the state house think they can FORCE you to wear a helmet on a bike.

My opinion on the SQUID issue is, a squid is someone that rides without gear and a helmet and when they hit the ground with their flip flops on they flip flop around like a squid but im probably wrong. They would wear gear if they were concerned w living and obviously havent seen or experienced the pain that is caused by flip-flopping down the road.

I am probably wrong on all accounts

By the way nice Red Green quote.

Im pulling for you...were all in this together...

but were not in the same boat as the Vespa riding wrist tippers..


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I fucking hate squids. I had this ass hole taunting me on the free on a debaged Kaw. He's gunning it lifting his front pointing the sky at me. Obviously he did not relize Katana's can't do that on a freeway nor would I.

I just had a conversation with some guy at the bike shop that road up on a nice looking 636, HE's talking about how he don't wear gear when its hot. I personally always have my gear on. I need more honestly. Glove/helment/jacket atm. I want to add boots and pants.

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:postcop:But I don't consider all people on 2 wheels my bro. I'd always help a fellow biker and wave at one, but I don't consider them a friend just because they're on 2 wheels. Just my feelings ofcourse.

Right. To me "friends" and "bro's" are not the same.

I have few friends. Untold amt. of bro's. A bro is just someone ahead of annonymous fucks on the pecking order.:D

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Woohooo late to the thread! :D

1) Yeah the helmet thing is stupid. I'm betting their mom made them put it on before they left and they took it off when they got around the corner.

2) As been already said, a squid is not a new rider. A squid is anyone who rides a Kawi. :p Really though, a squid are the idiots under dressed and lacking any real common sense while on the streets.

I've also heard the term referred to in racing also...squirly kid - squid.

3) I wave to everyone on two wheels. I let scooter riders initiate though, but I'll gladly wave back. If someone doesn't wave back when they obviously saw me and where able too...I don't let it bother me. They are obviously a complete asshole.

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