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Texting while driving PSA


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I think it should be on tv every 5 minutes.


It is NOT too graphic. Maybe this will get the point across to people. And for those that say it is...C'mon. Lok at what kind of movies people choose to watch. We need to stop worrying if we are gonna offend anyone and get it through peoples thick skull that when they are driving they are not only responsible for their own life but those around them (in the cage or other driver,pedestrians) It should be aired all the time and I was pissed they didn't air the whole commercial on the news, just a segment.:rant:

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You know what would be a good in-car PSA? Grab the most popular default text tones from the top phone manufacturers.

Play the tone x 2

"Why'd you go to your phone? Stop texting while driving, nothing is that important"

Then just rotate the ads.

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Problem with a lot of PSA announcements that get graphic is that the general "non riding" public doesn't see it from our point of view. They see riding as dangerous and an unnecessary risk. In otherwards they think "motorcyclists are putting them selves in danger", not "I should pay attention to what I'm doing". Drive home the point that just like fireing bullets randomly into the air is actually murder when it hits someone, so is driving distracted! "I didn't mean to" isn't an excuse when you know your actions are putting others at risk!

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