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My first (pet) dog


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well, it's been a month or two since we got him, and he's coming along great.

he's one smart cookie, and we can confirm he was definitely house broken before we got him. whew. Gatsby learns new tricks after just a couple treat sessions... and amazingly enough, hasn't chewed up anything but his chew toys.

we're working on getting his weight up since he hasn't gained a pound since we brought him home. we're feeding him about double what is normally fed to a dog his size. we're wondering if he's still growing or if the shelter was just completely wrong about his age.

he had his second vet check up a week ago, and everything is good.





now i'm trying to figure out what's he's made of. So far, I'm guessing he's got some Lab and pointer... but it's hard to say for sure since those are both pretty large breeds, and Gatsby's only 45lbs. I'm mulling over having one of those doggie DNA tests done. i don't care what he's mixed with and I have no problems at all with training him... just curious.

have any guesses?

for clues:

-he's about 45lbs

-he's all black, but just started growing in some dark grey hair underneath (looks like a winter coat?)

-he has a crazy curly tail

-he has big (like, bigger than what looks normal for his size) webbed feet

-he has brown eyes

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Get a book of names, when he is settled down, ie not in lets go for a walk mode. Start reading some name out of the book. When he looks interested, thats his name!

I did that for a stray cat. The list of female names in the back of a dictionary. Her name was Samantha. The one and only name she responded to when I read them all.

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I crate trained both of our dogs, and have been able to work with stanley enough that I can have him off leash with me and he doesn't get outside of a few feet from me.... also if you need a crate I have a large size one in my garage if you want it...

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Aww, he is slinky like my older Shepherd was as a pup. Def lot's of Lab, but those long legs and face make me think he might have a little Great Dane in him too.

Crate training is the way to go, even if you leave it open all the time it's a place they will feel safe and can get away.

Congrats though, he is beautiful and it seems everything is working out..

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yeah, Gatsby loves the crate now. we put an inch thick foam pad in there (covered with some faux suede... almost like the softer cordura they use on seats). everytime he doesnt have much to do, he just saunters in there and plops down.

moose, i should've asked you when i got the dog, lol. I was advised to look for a used one, but I got impatient and just picked one up. they're sort of pricey.

we're gonna try to do the whole "leave food out all day". at some point do you stop putting food in it? or does the dog stop eventually? i wouldn't want him to have a blow out, of sorts.

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  • 11 months later...

It was a great 1+ years or so, and i couldn't resist the urge any longer. Here is what he looked like after an hour or so of preparation and a couple ramen noodle packets.


he was just a hair on the spicy side. but very satisfying texture. i'm glad i had him.

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just kidding.

here he is now:





019 - Gatsby Revisited by petyr.rahl, on Flickr


007 - Gatsby by petyr.rahl, on Flickr


014 - A dog and his peanut butter by petyr.rahl, on Flickr

after about a year, he is up to a more than healthy 60 lbs. he doesn't look much heavier, but you can't see his ribs or vertebrae. he just looks healthy. he's a lot more energetic than he used to be (in a good way... not hyper) and he gets a walk or a run just about every day.

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Kudos and rep for you for getting a shelter dog. Just remember to be patient and firm. this is new to all of you.

I think we have a couple trainers here. I cant remember names. Good luck though.

Que teh dog eating jokes. :rolleyes:

+1 , we have a westie ( shelter) and we are looking for a doberman ( again shelter)


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It was a great 1+ years or so, and i couldn't resist the urge any longer. Here is what he looked like after an hour or so of preparation and a couple ramen noodle packets.


he was just a hair on the spicy side. but very satisfying texture. i'm glad i had him.

You are a sick man. But I was going to ask how he tasted when I saw this thread back.

Besides, why would you ruin a good dog dish with those shitty ramen noodles?

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It was a great 1+ years or so, and i couldn't resist the urge any longer. Here is what he looked like after an hour or so of preparation and a couple ramen noodle packets.

he was just a hair on the spicy side. but very satisfying texture. i'm glad i had him.

I dont know about the ramen, but I thought he'd best be served bulgogi-style with a side of rice, kim chi, and a large asahi.




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IMHO, dogs only respond well to two syllable names (or commands). So if it's more than that, they are only hearing two. Too much for the dog brain to process, I guess. And in actuality, it's probably just the musical tone of the words, and not the actual words or syllables themselves.

so if you name your dog "Artemus the musical dog from Atlantis"... chances are the dog thinks it's name is something like "dog from" or "the mu" or simply Arty blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, is all that's heard.

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