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Global warming is a bunch of baloney


Is the planet becoming increasingly warmer due to the actions of humans.  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the planet becoming increasingly warmer due to the actions of humans.

    • of course, Al Gore's slide show proved it.
    • No way, the planet does what it does, we do not have a major effect.
    • hookers
    • I live on mars

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By John Coleman

It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus. Read the rest of the original blog here.

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Saturday HIGH of 72, Sunday is a HIGH of 71 here in Dayton.

And it's AUGUST!!! If there is anything they should make up global cooling instead, it fits weather patterns much better.

oh they did, time magazine had an article about it in the 70's... give me a second to find it.

edit: june 24 1974


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To think that we as humans could change this planet is asinine. The planet may eradicate us, but we won't eradicate it. Global warming is a scam and "being green" is an even bigger scam piggybacking off of it. 20 years from now we'll have another Al Gore type telling us there's gonna be another ice age.

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

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To think that we as humans could change this planet is asinine. The planet may eradicate us, but we won't eradicate it. Global warming is a scam and "being green" is an even bigger scam piggybacking off of it. 20 years from now we'll have another Al Gore type telling us there's gonna be another ice age.

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

I agree, but I have no problem with being green because it at least has nice ideas behind it. 1: improve city air quality 2: reduce foreign oil dependence

I'm okay with that

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I agree, but I have no problem with being green because it at least has nice ideas behind it. 1: improve city air quality 2: reduce foreign oil dependence

I'm okay with that

I have no problems with taking reasonable steps to protect our environment...

It's the extremism and effect on politics that ticks me off.

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I had the luxury of taking several environmental classes when I was in college, things like air quality mgmt, limnology, hazardous waste removal, ecology, etc etc...

Filtering through my profs liberal agendas, and many of them had it, (the one prof who taught hazardous removal tho was hilariously conservative) I have come to believe that we can and do impact the environment. To say its "global warming" is a stretch at the least, but to say that our production of natural elements (in increased concentrations) or unnatural elements in large quantities hasn't effected our environment or weather patterns... would also be a stretch as well. At the end of the day I think we could all be a little greener, but I don't think its the governments job to mandate it, create crazy cap and trade to cost jobs and our economy millions and I don't think we should join ELF and burn a hummer dealership either. And one thing people don't realize, is that the air quality and water quality now, is LEAPS and BOUNDS better than what it was in the 1970's without cap and trade or some other "green" initiatives.

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I don't shit where I sleep, so I don't wake up in a funky cloud of ass. Good luck to those who think they can do whatever they want, wherever, and not have any adverse effects.

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ReconRat, Strictly Street & I were just talking about this very thing last night @ BWR.

Recon told us something I'd never heard before...... That NASA has stated the other planets in the solar system are ALSO getting warmer in recent years. Street made the joke that the Martians must also be driving too many SUV's then :D

And I've actually heard years ago that technically, we are supposed to be heading into another ice age right now....... in spite of this whole "global warming" thing

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ReconRat, Strictly Street & I were just talking about this very thing last night @ BWR.

Recon told us something I'd never heard before...... That NASA has stated the other planets in the solar system are ALSO getting warmer in recent years. Street made the joke that the Martians must also be driving too many SUV's then :D

And I've actually heard years ago that technically, we are supposed to be heading into another ice age right now....... in spite of this whole "global warming" thing

the only thing we have in common with other planets that would cause that is... the same sun. Solar flares cause global warming FTW


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the only thing we have in common with other planets that would cause that is... the same sun. Solar flares cause global warming FTW


WOW...you mean that GIANT HOT THING responsible for heating the planet on a daily basis MIGHT have something to do with heating it on a larger scale?

it's our fault! for producing so damn much carbon dioxide (you know that gas responsible for photosynthesis) it's almost up to 380 parts per MILLION in concentration...(read, less than the amount of spit in your swimming pool)

Edited by magley64
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Saturday HIGH of 72, Sunday is a HIGH of 71 here in Dayton.

And it's AUGUST!!! If there is anything they should make up global cooling instead, it fits weather patterns much better.

I believe that the ice melting at the North pole produces cold air and water that has to go somewhere. So it feels cooler now. Sort of like opening the ice box door and wondering why it doesn't feel hot any more.

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Much of the data used so far is way off base. It is actually the amount of cloud cover that regulates the temperatures. And oddly, it is the presence of cosmic rays striking the upper atmosphere, that causes the cloud cover to increase or decrease. And double oddly, it is the Van Allen belt that magnetically regulates the number of cosmic rays that get through to the upper atmosphere. AND TRIPLE ODDLY, it is the effects of the sun on our Van Allen Belt that regulates the magnetic effects of the Van Allen Belt on the cosmic rays that impact the upper atmosphere, and increase or decrease the amount of cloud cover to raise or lower the surface temperatures. Whew...

And yeah, limited data on the other planets say that surface temperatures are increasing on all the planets.

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hookers:D, I dont think the debate is over if these climate change patterns are taking place, they should be taking place because that is what nature does. if there was no climate change then something would be wrong because the earths climate is always warming or cooling. I believe the debate is over whether climate change is human induced. from most of the data i have seen it looks like most environmentalist a skewing that data to support their agenda. the famous CO2 vs temp graph that gore displayed in his power point did not depict that CO2 actually follows warming. by the ocean temp warming more CO2 is released creating data that shows the rise and fall of CO2 along with the temperature. just one example of many...

as far as humans not having effects on the environment, i think we already have. look at ddt, CFCs, tetraethyl lead, SOx, NOx, depletion of aquifers, desertification, soil erosion, etc etc....

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