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A letter from my friend stationed in Afghanistan


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I have the utmost respect for anyone volunteering to put their lives in discomfort & danger while serving on our behalf over there........ But DAMN I sure hope these wars hurry up & get over SOON!!

It's been goin' on too long already, with no end in sight

+1 Well Stated!! I served in the Army for 4 years, thinking back I would only have 7 more years to go for my 20 now, but i got injured while doing Night Op Training and jacked my back and neck up pretty bad. Instead of sticking it out and doing P.T. in basicly dead mans profile, i decided to get out and move on. I've had several Long time Friends go over seas including my Step-Dad Most of them came home in one piece, but NOT all of them came home.... Tell Doyle and his men to be Strong and Keep their heads down, and We'll see them soon!

I truely wish they would Bring our men and women home to their families and friends:cool:

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