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another one down


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This getting out of hand, there are atleast one mcr killed a week now, It's like its open season on us.

RIP. I actually thought the last two weeks we didn't have any, or maybe I just didn't notice the stories.

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Yet another reminder to be ever vigilant, ride within your abilities, remain alert, and expect others not to see you.

And WEAR A FUCKING HELMET and some proper gear!!!

Even the best rider, alert and within his abilities, can have shit happen completely out of his control. Deer, mechanical failure, blind pothole, etc.

Ride long enough, you will go down. How many of the casualties so far this year were ATGATT?

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I get sick of hearing CRASHES being called ACCIDENTS! It's a plain and simple case of someone not paying attention or someone driving beyond their abilities (many people are driving beyond their abilities any time the get in the car) and MOST crashes are completely avoidable.

Condoloences and prayers out to the family of the 2 lives that were lost.

Please remember riders, WEAR YOUR GEAR!

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