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Let's say you won the mega-millions jackpot... (350ish million?)

How do you distribute the cash?


20 million goes into high yeild savings accounts that dump their interest into my checking...

whatever is left over goes to buying:

1: a kick-ass house

2: a few "toys" (delorean, coutach, ship, etc)

3: Payoff family debt

4: trust funds for nieces

5: cash for family

6: cash for friends

7: Tyson house for ORDN party center

8: "worthy" causes

I think there will still be plenty left by the time I got to number 8

How about you?

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Hah we were just talking about this at work last night. The first thing I would buy is a bus to drive through the restaurant that I work at.

Then, about 30 mil into low risk bonds and treasury notes. Then I'd pay off family debt, buy a few houses for my relatives, some oceanfront property for myself, some new toys, etc. And then I'd have a motor coach custom built and I'd follow College Gameday in it.

Edit: hookers and blow also. Can't believe I forgot that.

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Division by percentage

10% for me to ride where ever I want

20% for personal mechanic, dog sitter, chase helecopter and party bus to follow me.

5% for seriously huge collection of all the bikes I ever wanted

25% for purchase of 5000 acres of land to close off and outlaw anything other than motorcycles on.

35% to savings/ stocks/ bonds/ etc

5% to help out people I meet along the way who deserve a hand up vs a hand out. :)

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I would buy a boat and listen to "im on a boat" for the rest of my life....

No its funny you started this thread we talked about the same thing at work the other night. 325mill holy crap.

1. Pay off mine and my parents debt and buy them a house.

2. Buy a couple old 8 series BMW's and a Z4.

3. Buy a large amount of blue chip stock

4. Buy a new BMW s1000rr and a k1300gt and take them to my new house in the Alps.

5. Buy a new fraternity house.

6. Build a theater system in said house

7. Take a world cruise.

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I would buy a boat and listen to "im on a boat" for the rest of my life....

I want to build a ship aesthetically identical to the black pearl, but embed a submarine into the hull...

you'll see me out on lake erie scaring the bejeesus out of local fishermen.


but then i will fire cans of beer at them out of my cannons...

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I want to build a ship aesthetically identical to the black pearl, but embed a submarine into the hull...

you'll see me out on lake erie scaring the bejeesus out of local fishermen.


but then i will fire cans of beer at them out of my cannons...

Im pretty sure the beer would kill them. At that fast of speed.

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I want to build a ship aesthetically identical to the black pearl, but embed a submarine into the hull...

you'll see me out on lake erie scaring the bejeesus out of local fishermen.


but then i will fire cans of beer at them out of my cannons...


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350 million, minus the ~20M you are going to lose to taxes, so you end up with around 330. still not a bad haul.

first thing i do is hire an attorney and and accountant.

then buy a nice house, some cars and some bikes.

then the rest goes in the bank and i just live off the interest it makes.

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The lottery is gambling and against the Bible. You are all going to hell... Why don't you guys crucify a Jew while you're at it? Jeebus.... :nono:

If I go crucify a Jew will I get 350mill, b/c if so just tell me where to sign.


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Well I would start by paying 100000 homeless people $1000 to move to D.C. and all set up camp right out front of the white house. Then, run for president. Have Obama, Osama and Fran Drescher killed. Embezzle more money, resign and get pardoned by my V.P. who is now the POTUS (BY the way it's either be Carrot Top or Dean Cain. Either way you get a crazt redheaded comedian or Superman) and buy Daytona International Speedway and build a house in the infield.

Either that or hookers and blow. Still undecided.

Oh and a pony!

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