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Well I would start by paying 100000 homeless people $1000 to move to D.C. and all set up camp right out front of the white house. Then, run for president. Have Obama, Osama and Fran Drescher killed. Embezzle more money, resign and get pardoned by my V.P. who is now the POTUS (BY the way it's either be Carrot Top or Dean Cain. Either way you get a crazt redheaded comedian or Superman) and buy Daytona International Speedway and build a house in the infield.

Either that or hookers and blow. Still undecided.

Oh and a pony!

Can't forget the pony.

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yeah you;re right. taht was only the 6% state tax. i forgot about the 25% fed tax.

i also forgot you only get about half when you take the cash payment.



-175 for cash payment

-43.75 fed

-10.5 state

leaves you with a paltry 120.75M

fucking weak.

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120 mill

5 million = hooker and not blow

5 million = blow and not hookers

5 million = on my little ponies

5 million = on a 1mph faster street legal mustang just to prove a point

25 million = anything not yet mentioned

5 million = cancer research foundations (good cause and tax write offs)

50 million = in my underwear drawer (big ass dresser)

20 million = house/cars/bikes/more hookers/more blow

any questions?

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-build my mom a house in the country(with her porch,lol) and buy her a nice new car(always wanted a caddy)

-pay off mom's debt

-give mom a nice retirement fund

-college funds for both my nephews

-pay sister's debt off

-buy sister a house(only for my nephews)

-college funds for future kids (if any)

-build a nice, big, decent size home

-buy my dream car, dd, and weekend sports car

-3 bikes(street,track and chopper)

-few toys(4wheeler,jetski,boat)

-clothes! and jewelry

-pay off my debt

-invest the rest.. never have to work again :D

Edited by ninjachk08
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first thing-hookers and blow to celebrate winning


hire attourney/accoutant

put money in high interest savings accounts

make sure I limit myself so I still have plenty of money when I'm 100

donate money to WORTHY causes

pay off all the family debts

buy a 2009 CTS-V and 2006 Duramax for the boat and a CCX

Get the top of the line wakeboarding boat, fishing boat, and cruising boat and some jet ski's

build a house in colorado for snowboarding, a house in hawaii, and build a nice medium sized house with a HUGE Shop/garage/barn for my toys somewhere down south where it don't snow.

build a race track

have a bike similar to Rossi's built

Get a very modded streetable 2010 Daytona

Get a VROD for cruising

and a herd of sheep with xmas lights

yea I think I could live the rest of my life on 120 mil...the above list is only like 30 mil.

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dont forget to buy or at least lease a private jet. you dont want to be waiting in line at the airport with a bunch of chumps when you're trying to fly to your hawaii house.

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also, just for shits and giggles:

if you take the annuity, you get the full amount over 30 years.

350M/30 years = 11.6666667

i think you actually get a little bit more in ohio on your first payment. probably not much. few hundred K... so we will stick with 11.666 mil


-2,961,500 federal

-699,960 state

leaves you with $8,049,540 X 30 years = 241 486 200

you get 121 million MORE over the 30 years.

however, with the amount of blow that people in this thread want to buy, they probably arent gonna live long enough to collect it.

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120 mill

5 million = get my brother a hooker and not blow

5 million = get my brother some blow and not hookers

5 million = on my little ponies

5 million = on a 1mph faster street legal mustang just to prove a point

25 million = get my brother anything not yet mentioned

5 million = cancer research foundations (good cause and tax write offs)

50 million = in my underwear drawer (big ass dresser)

20 million = get my brother so many houses/cars/bikes/more hookers/more blow

any questions?

Fixed It for ya...

Me? Buy every last fucker in the US a map to shut this ho up... :D


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is it to late to change it up a bit? just the 50 mill in the underwear drawer part... 49 mill in the underwear drawer and 1 mill to buy that Miss Teen-South Carolina Ho some Hookers and Blow. Maybe she'll OD on the blow B4 the hookers get there and we'll just party it up with them!

Fixed It for ya...

Me? Buy every last fucker in the US a map to shut this ho up... :D

Edited by Alstare03
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