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Apartment troubles... again... wtf.


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Its official, lawyer says i cannot break my lease bc in order to break a lease, you have to have this very specific sequence happen:

1. something breaks

2. you notify landlord that thing is broken and give them a certain amount of time (depending on what is broken) to fix it - IN WRITING

3. landlord does not fix it in said amount of time

short of her saying that she's cool with me breaking my lease, i can't do anything :( and since she is officially ignoring me, I dont see that happening. :(:(:(

any suggestions?

I could come over and "break" stuff...;) then when she ignores you, then you can get outta the lease...
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2. you notify landlord that thing is broken and give them a certain amount of time (depending on what is broken) to fix it - IN WRITING

That's the key to anything legal. It costs you a few more pennies, but given your situation and the recurring issues you have, you need to write the correspondences that document these problems and send them as CERTIFIED LETTERS through the post office. These letters can't be ignored, since they have to be signed for, and legally that's proof they've received the document.

No more dicking around with her... do everything 'by the book'.

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That's the key to anything legal. It costs you a few more pennies, but given your situation and the recurring issues you have, you need to write the correspondences that document these problems and send them as CERTIFIED LETTERS through the post office. These letters can't be ignored, since they have to be signed for, and legally that's proof they've received the document.

No more dicking around with her... do everything 'by the book'.

Her mail is delivered to a PO Box.... but yes, everything is being written and mailed certified from now on, no matter how minimal the problem is.

Well next time the Power "breaks" giver her written notice that it is broken, and if she doesnt get it turned on then you break your lease.

so here's the problem, she apparently could take up to 48 hours to get it turned back on and if she does it within the allotted time frame, i can't do shit.

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Or, you could always risk it and let her sue you? Let the local Small Claims court sort it out. If she ignores you, maybe she doesn't have the time to go to court over it?

But yea, do everything by the book and you can become the tenant from hell (within your legal grounds of course) that she may decide you're more trouble than you're worth and let you break the lease.

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They're the ones that told me i can't break my lease.... or rather if i do, i could end up owing her the rest of my rental agreement monies...

Honestly, the only chance might be to talk with her, and indicate you would like to move, and work something out. Best deal would be to stay there until a new renter is found. I don't have high hopes for that happening quickly. I'm also worried that your lease might have target dates requiring notification, even to leave at the end of the year's lease. Don't miss that if there is one. Or the lease might have other "non-standard" agreements. Some are binding, or are difficult to negotiate out of.

Also be aware that you will need to know where to move to on short notice. Some people can do it overnight, others take a lot longer.

Life isn't meant to be this difficult, so there has to be an easy way.

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Just leave and let her take it to court if she wants. I've done it more than once and it never went to to court because it cost them more time and money than it's worth. Quit being so nice go over there knock her around with that club you beat me and Yota with and tell her youre leaving and if she knows whats good for her she'll let it go.

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Put your rent into escrow!! Stupid landlords like that deserve to be SHOT!!! That just plain sucks!!!! I wish you the best on every thing. Hopefully it does not turn into any more of a mess! Good luck!!!

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