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Kanye West is definitely a gay fish...


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"I'm not crazy y'all, I'm just real."


Here's the search for it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=kanye+west+taylor+swift&search_type=&aq=f

I'd post the links to the videos, but Viacom keeps having them removed.

Seriously, this guy is a complete fucktard.

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i am glad you put this up cuz i was gonna and its hard to do with my phone. i cant stand this retard anymore esp now since he is messing with my girl! evey year this fuck stick does something to make an ass out of himself just so he dont fall out of the spotlight.

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I have never really liked Beyonce either. She has always seemed too stuck up for me and crazy full of her self, but that, i like the way she handled that. I cant stand Kanye West, he drives me up the wall and he is a pile of crap. He once said that he has made more of and impression on the world as Jesus... Really?? I mean really??? WOW!!!

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Yeah, he's pretty much an egomaniacal douchebag.

But anyway, pop music is retarded,....

Agree 100%

He was in the wrong, but I'm finding it hard to care. He and Taylor Swift both suck and at this point I'm not sure who uses auto-tune more. I don't care for her crap, but at least Taylor Swift seems to have some talent for writing music.

Agree....wait, what? :wtf:

I'm suprised he didn't say Mtv was racists.

That would be the polar opposite of the truth.

BTW, why do they still have the VMA's? Didnt MTV stop playing videos in the late 90's when reality shows took off? I didnt even know these vapid fuck nuggets even made videos anymore. What a complete waste of money.

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BTW, why do they still have the VMA's? Didnt MTV stop playing videos in the late 90's when reality shows took off?

+1. MTV knows good and gotdang well they haven't showed a video since the mid-90s. I wonder if they set that whole thing up just for the shock value. It worked before, when they had Madonna and Britney Spears tongue each other's faces on live TV..

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the preview for MJ's "movie" looked pretty decent. he may have been f-ed up as a person, but he was a damn good musician/artist IMO. depending on the reviews, i may have to check it out.





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The douche is strong with this one. I wish Taylor would have taken back the microphone.


I never liked him because he is an egotistical racist fuck. Yes he is both.

Then, I saw this video this morning and I literally decided that I wish his jaw would've been permanently wired shut after his car accident many years ago. I hate that fucker with a passion. He's a piece of shit just like PINK said on her twitter page it said in the yahoo article.

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