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Gixxie750 drunk posting again.......


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O.r needs to start respecting what we do! Or we will out grow it. I am drunk.

Quoted so it can't be "glossed" over/edited later

Am I missin' somethin' here?!? I didn't see one derogatory post in this thread 'til yours

You need to quit blamin' your drinkin' for all your dumbass posts on here

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow..... Good find casper! I just knew u would bring this up. I'm not mad at anyone nick,but it sucks to be treated like a black sheep on here when i'm working soooo soooo hard to make sportbikes more main stream. I am not just on the net posting events to try to be a post whore. I am out all over the country trackside working with many many people to improve our image to the public and get them involved. ITS WORKING! We had 172 people show up just to try and start something new! I was drunk but i hate how strangers will help,but a online comunity of fellow riders shuns our events.

******Not directed at all O.R **********

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Wow..... Good find casper! I just knew u would bring this up. I'm not mad at anyone nick,but it sucks to be treated like a black sheep on here when i'm working soooo soooo hard to make sportbikes more main stream. I am not just on the net posting events to try to be a post whore. I am out all over the country trackside working with many many people to improve our image to the public and get them involved. ITS WORKING! We had 172 people show up just to try and start something new! I was drunk but i hate how strangers will help,but a online comunity of fellow riders shuns our events.

******Not directed at all O.R **********

Again, what the hell are you talking about? Are your panties in a twist because you didn't have a huge showing from Ohio Riders? I honestly have no idea.

And for the record, I didn't find this post. Someone reported it.

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So someone reported it lol. I guess it was spam. Is has nothing to do with O.R showing. It has to do with what i hear... So everytime i drunk post from now on it will be here. I have my own thread yay!!:p


Are you secretly a high school girl?

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Why? All i know is i have been nothing but nice to u. U constantly bring up this e-bash bull crap and u run a site full with a BUNCH of H.S drama!


I didn't bring this up dude.... you did.... saying we have to respect you or you'll outgrow our site. Someone reported the post, so I moved it.

You continuously post shit like this. If you don't like the site, then stop signing in and posting.

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... So everytime i drunk post from now on it will be here. I have my own thread yay!!:p

you should have a breathalyzer beside your computer. most the e-battles come from your drunk remarks. you are the one who says everyone can and should get along, but its you who puts keeps putting the strain on the relationship with your ignorance filled drama.

and btw it was me who reported the post! if and when shit went south and got completely out of hand i would know where to start at moving posts. i was going to atleast attempt to keep your original thread clean, but if you want to try to say i was picking on you or what-not i wasnt.

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it had died like it should. U put it back up and its been like 8 days since i posted. U like the drama lama and u deff like to get people to think i'm an idiot. The net is full of crazy B.S talking yet u like to single me out. This was the first site i ever joined and i dont plan on leaving EVER.

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you should have a breathalyzer beside your computer. most the e-battles come from your drunk remarks. you are the one who says everyone can and should get along, but its you who puts keeps putting the strain on the relationship with your ignorance filled drama.

and btw it was me who reported the post! if and when shit went south and got completely out of hand i would know where to start at moving posts. i was going to atleast attempt to keep your original thread clean, but if you want to try to say i was picking on you or what-not i wasnt.

My post was stupid and it had died. I was glad it died. Now its going to be REALLY alive and thats stupid. Yes i type some crazy crap when i get drunk. EVERY ONE HERE does it and then acts like they are a saint when others do it. If u guys really cared u would close the thread and not bring it up again. There are like 4 junkie bashing threads on here. Its not like i started all of them...

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it had died like it should. U put it back up and its been like 8 days since i posted. U like the drama lama and u deff like to get people to think i'm an idiot. The net is full of crazy B.S talking yet u like to single me out. This was the first site i ever joined and i dont plan on leaving EVER.

I was out West until Friday, and didn't really get on the site until yesterday. I saw the reported post today. I moved it. You posted the drama. You make yourself look like an idiot.

Could you imagine the flamewar that would start if I got on your site and posted something to the effect of "the assfault junkies really need to start respecting Ohio Riders or we're going to outgrow their site"? First of all, I would never post anything remotely close to that on your site. It's a pretty fucked up thing to say. I mean, talking shit about members of a site ON their site is pretty ballsy. But then to try and blame ME for it is even ballsier.

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