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Gixxie750 drunk posting again.......


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"This is the thread that nevvvver ends.....

It just goes on & on my friends......

Some peeeeople.... staaaarrrted posting it when they were reeeally drunk.....

And everyone continues posting it forever juuusst becaaaause........

This is the thread that neevvvver ends......

It just goes on & on my friends......"


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I can barley type! Jack is settling in for sure! I have been on e-bay and cant even drunk shop?? OOOOO this may help or screw me,......But i want a higher rep than........ Guess who???? I hope i remember this in the am lol.

He is a white ghost

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I can barley type! Jack is settling in for sure! I have been on e-bay and cant even drunk shop?? OOOOO this may help or screw me,......But i want a higher rep than........ Guess who???? I hope i remember this in the am lol.

I tried drunk shopping the last couple nights and I couldn't find a deal to save my life.

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