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how long before Israel attacks Iran?


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Out of who? Israel declared war on Hamas this year, "Operation Cast Lead"

I'm talking about a formal, Knesset authorized, fuck-you-and-the-horse-you-rode-in-on, this-country's-going-to-war declaration of war. Not what we do in this country, declare "war" on something, pass a bunch of laws to strip more rights away, declare victory. Rinse, wipe hands on pants, repeat.

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I'm not convinced Ahmadinejad is crazy..or really believes what he's saying. The man is very intelligent (and crazy)..but he says some very irrational things. I wouldn't put it past him to be trying to incite Israel to attack first. Once Israel attacks..Iran will say "I told you so" and use that as a basis to start a war.

Don't forget...the Persians created chess.

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I'm talking about a formal, Knesset authorized, fuck-you-and-the-horse-you-rode-in-on, this-country's-going-to-war declaration of war. Not what we do in this country, declare "war" on something, pass a bunch of laws to strip more rights away, declare victory. Rinse, wipe hands on pants, repeat.

I think it's very difficult to compare USA to Israel in terms of "declaring war"... governments are so completely different. But yes, it's been a bit since just about any country "declared war"... everyone does operations and incursions.

I'm not convinced Ahmadinejad is crazy..or really believes what he's saying. The man is very intelligent (and crazy)..but he says some very irrational things. I wouldn't put it past him to be trying to incite Israel to attack first. Once Israel attacks..Iran will say "I told you so" and use that as a basis to start a war.

Don't forget...the Persians created chess.

Oh, he's fucking crazy, but he's definitely saying things that will anger others on purpose.

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Thread drift in 3... 2.... 1....

lol, good eye. To tie it all together, it's amazing who has died and the wars that have been declared based off religion. Islam, Christianity and Judiasm all have the same foundations in the bible... New Testament and the Koran are supplements not replacements.

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There, eventually, is going to be a shit-storm in Iran. I am surprised that we have not invaded them yet. My reason in thinking that, is because of them harboring the Talaban. Every since we have been in Afganistan, and Iraq, we have been chasing them back and forth across the boarders. Of course, were not able to pursue them over the boarder. So, are we to just sit back and let them play that game, or do something in response? I prefer action! All of it has to come to an end eventually. Not that it will ever happen, especially in our life time. Usually things get worst, before they get better!! Lets hope for the best, but expect the worst!!

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Ah I will give you a quote from the great jewish chess master

“The laws of Chess do not permit a free choice: you have to move whether you like it or not.”

- Emanuel Laske

Almost reflective of their current conflict with Iran

Not really. You can choose to go through diplomatic channels, whether that means taking your case to the UN, a third-party envoy (like what Clinton did in NK, only you wouldnt have to tiptoe around the Logan Act) or just not playing entirely until you had absolute evidence that the Iranians were using their nuclear reactors to weaponize plutonium.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yea the second nuclear facility was icing on the cake, as if shipping weapons to NK or weapons deals with russia weren't bad enough... I'm thinking some really strong air-strikes to take out their communication networks, missile defense networks and with good bunker busters to get to the underground facilities and disaster avoided.

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They'll be a day when no one will come to Israel's aid or assistance. It won't be a question for the U.S. to say we won't but rather, we can't. We can't because we are spread too thin militarily, we can't because we're broke. But, most importantly, that's not part of the plan.

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russia is our best friend since we did away with the missle defense system........

They sure are. Best friends that disagree on most everything. Both the Russians and us knew that was a snow job. The real defense is the Navy's Standard Arm 3 ship-board missile system. The one that shot down the satellite that was falling back to Earth and "endangering people, we had to do it". It works.

What was amazing, is Russia's offer to base the US radar and interceptor missiles closer to Iran. Didn't expect that...

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