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how long before Israel attacks Iran?


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Oh, if you haven't heard... Iran's one and only AWACS aircraft crashed and burned during a parade flight a few weeks ago. It was an Iraq aircraft that fled to Iran during the Gulf War. It had been rebuilt with modern electronics using Russian assistance. It had a collision with an F-5. So that's the end of Iran's early warning capability, it's gone. The fun part, is that the flaming wreckage landed on the mausoleum burial site of the Islamic revolution's founder Ruhollah Khomeini, a national shrine.

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I think now IS the time to act on Iran.....IF we do it, MAYBE we can avoid the entire ME erupting into war....

If Israel does it..........look out

Except Israel's not going to do it.

So you think that with active engagements currently going on in 2 countries using at least 40,000 troops in Afghanistan and 130,000 (!) locked in Iraq at least until their national election in January, 2010 (it's already been delayed ones), we should begin a offensive into a sovereign Middle Eastern state with dubious intelligence, an unstable population, religious ties to Iraq, and no clear objectives after the initial bombing campaign on the "possible" nuclear sites?

And you still think this is a good idea?

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I was not aware of this, interesting. That, however, was a different time politically and militarily, and I don't seriously believe it would be repeated today.

Really? Read this one...


from the Center for Strategic and International Studies

Regardless of whether possible or not, it makes good reading.

And includes locations and images of the targets deemed worthy.

Many of these I've already found along with others, by scanning satellite photos of Iran.

I should post pics of some of the stuff found, that hasn't been seen yet. There is some crazy stuff.

Also at the CSIS is an assessment of the effects of an nuclear exchange between Israel and Iran.

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Just to throw my .02 in..

Israel bombing and Iraq facility does not equal bombing an Iran facility. Two totally different countries, political environments...etc. There is no way Israel gets a pass to do that to Iran now.

A bombing run does little to nothing. All it does it delay the inevitable...and not by much. Don't you think by now Iran has hardened and buried every single important nuke facility? Come on, does anyone really think Iran is stupid enough to put a facility anywhere near the surface where it is vulnerable? The only way to stop Iran is to put troops on the ground..and I'm pretty sure Iran's 500,000+ troops are going to have something to say about that. Wake up folks..there is NO military solution to this problem. All the calls for Israel to strike Iran are based on emotion...not logic. Just as Iran's calls for striking Israel are based on saber rattling. Iran wants the world to be shaped according to their vision...but they aren't suicidal...and a strike against Israel would be just that.

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