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So how much of a stereotypical asshat are you? :D

While we're at it, how many Apple products do you have?

I've got:

15.5" Macbook Pro w/ 2.2GHz, 120 GB HD, 2GB RAM, DVDR, etc.

Upgraded from Tiger to Leopard w/Snow Leopard

iPhone 3Gs 16GB

1st Gen iPod Nano 2GB

2nd Gen iPod Nano 4GB

Airport Extreme (Home)

Airport Express (Apartment)

Edited by RSVDon
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I have any MAC that is recycled from work. That would be one G5.

vs more PCs than I can count and one Novell server.

iPhones are very cool. But I don't have one.

iPods suck, I use Sandisk Sansa Clips (4Gb, 8Gb 24Gb)

I entered the computer world on Tandy TRS-80, Commodore 64 and Apple.

Until Lisa (Apple 3) which was a total rip off piece of crap.

And I never bought an Apple (MAC) again...

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24" iMac, 3.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD (my main computer)

iBook, 900MHz G3, 640MB RAM, 60GB HDD (old iBook I bought when I used to do Mac SysAdmin stuff)

PowerMac G4 Server, Dual 500MHz, 1GB RAM, 120GB HDD (the old Columbus Racing/Ohio Riders server)

And of course, an iPhone 3GS, 16GB

And I'm a huge asshat.

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G3 Clamshell

G4 Cube

G5 iMac

G4 MacMini

Intel MacBook

2nd gen iPod

iPod mini

30gig iPod video

iPod touch

iPod nano

two' date=' fully functional 1987 All In One MacPlus, in mint condition

MacDraw software, in mint condition

(note from wife: cms 1mb external drive- the one with the fan- and an original players disc of DARK CASTLE. yeah, i rock that hard.)

... oh, and one bitchin happy mac tattoo[/quote']

You have all of those right now???

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I had a 30 gig video. Loved it while it lasted. Sounds like the HD is bad. That's what I get for buying a mobile mp3/video player with moving parts. Lesson learned.

Still...loved it while it was working. Great for the gym..great for watching movies on an airplane....great for watching porn in the lonely hotel room..oh wait. Scratch that last remark.

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