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Price. All the haters bring up price.

This machine has worked flawlessly over the last three years. I don't know how many weekends I wasted wiping/reinstalling drives, fuking around with virus software, 10 minute startups and all the other shit that goes witha PC. So for me it's prolly cheaper and a better investment. That is all.

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Price. All the haters bring up price.

This machine has worked flawlessly over the last three years. I don't know how many weekends I wasted wiping/reinstalling drives, fuking around with virus software, 10 minute startups and all the other shit that goes witha PC. So for me it's prolly cheaper and a better investment. That is all.

Sorry but this gets older than the price debate. If you are constantly having to do all that to your comp, it's YOU not the PC.

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If you are constantly having to do all that to your comp, it's YOU not the PC.

Well damnit! I like looking at pr0n! And if it takes a Mac to keep all of the viruses and spyware off while I do so, then fine! :lol: The truth comes out. All Mac owners are just pornophiles.

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Sorry but this gets older than the price debate. If you are constantly having to do all that to your comp, it's YOU not the PC.

Oh. Well thanks for clearing that up for me. :rolleyes:

maybe newer PC machines are better but I'll never know.

Once you go Mac you never look back. Products don't get alot of chances with me. Don't get me started on Ford. ;)

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