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Computer people... HELP!


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So here is the issue, when I open up interenet explorer i have multiple iexplore.exe tasks in my task manager. iexplore.exe is the task name but there has always only been one now there is sometimes up to 5. I have looked on google and i am certainly not the only one to have this issue but some of the things they mention have not worked. It is taking up a lot of my memory, which isnt much since it is an old comp, and sometimes kills a LOT of the CPU. Anyone?? Anything? Help please!!!

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So here is the issue, when I open up interenet explorer i have multiple iexplore.exe tasks in my task manager. iexplore.exe is the task name but there has always only been one now there is sometimes up to 5. I have looked on google and i am certainly not the only one to have this issue but some of the things they mention have not worked. It is taking up a lot of my memory, which isnt much since it is an old comp, and sometimes kills a LOT of the CPU. Anyone?? Anything? Help please!!!

Installing firefox is a good start. But failing that you still have a problem.

What the problem is isn't to clear without a bit more information.

When you opened IE you got 5 versions of it.

Ok, fine Lets ask a couple other questions.

What version of IE are you using?

Is it opening up to the same page 5 times or is it 5 different pages?

Is it always the same 5 pages?

What happens if you close the other 4 versions?

How many tool bar "helpers" do you have installed?

Did you shut it off and then turn it on and if so did it happen again?

Have you run a virus scan?

A malware scan such as 'MalwareBytes'?

Have you tried a rolling it back to a saved 'restore point'?

Directions for how to use a restore point are here:


Edited by Strictly Street
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I dont get 5 pages, but the task manager shows that i have 5 (sometimes 2 sometimes 3...) IE tasks running. Never used to do that. I dont d/l the toolbars, i have tried MalwareBytes and that did nothing as well as a-squared with the same result; nothing. Rolling back to a restore point is something I havent done. Trying not to do that unless I have to.

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I dont get 5 pages, but the task manager shows that i have 5 (sometimes 2 sometimes 3...) IE tasks running. Never used to do that. I dont d/l the toolbars, i have tried MalwareBytes and that did nothing as well as a-squared with the same result; nothing. Rolling back to a restore point is something I havent done. Trying not to do that unless I have to.

Restore point should be generated when programs change. Notice I said 'should' not will. Try opening up the controls for restore and see when the last restore point is. If it's only a day or two ago, roll it back. Make sure to copy/back up any valuable data that is newer than the restore point first.

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Well, i have tried to restore it now and no matter what date I go to, when windows restarts it states that no changes have been made since that day. Even though I have 3 changes in one day, 2 in an other ect ect... it keeps telling me that i have no changes. I have no idea. I have been wanting a new laptop so... this may be a good reason. ha ha

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Ummm, I've seen that happen. The multiple instances of IE running.

I'll have to think and remember what I did to fix it...

Actually, it doesn't matter what I did, it is an infection that tries to connect to multiple websites.

I would scan with a variety of anti-virus scanners to get it fixed.

All updated. With reboots between each.

I'd then reboot into safe mode and run the same batch of scanners again.

This will take a long time to run all of these, so don't rush it.

I like to scan with Superantispyware, Spybot, and Malwarebytes.

But the current set of "cure" is Superantispyware, Malwarebytes, combofix.exe, RootRepeal, and MGTools. Both Superantispyware and Malwarebytes can work surprisingly well.

There are a lot more root infections nowdays, and they can be hard to find.

Detailed instructions on getting ready and scanning can be found at: MajorGeeks Forum

There is a list of free on-line or downloaded scanners on that website.

Plenty to chose from, if the basic set doesn't get it.

Beyond that, the fix gets really gritty and down into actually looking for details of the virus and removing it manually.

And yes, removing IE and updating it to a newer IE is a good idea, since older versions have venerabilities. But the infection may not be in the IE itself. I simply use Firefox instead.

All of this will take a while to do. And I've done it many times, to many computers. On rare occasions, I just give up and backup all the files, and start over with a format, install windows, update it, and re-install applications.

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One more thing, which doesn't apply to this, but I found it interesting.

IE8 will open multiple instances of iexplore.exe in the task manager.

One to start IE, and one for each tab running in the IE program.

This works fine in Windows7, but rather nasty in XP. Use IE7 in XP.

It also confuses the issue, because it looks like an infection.

Thanks MicroSoft, for messing up again...

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Just use Chrome. Since I switch a long time ago I've only had it tank twice on me. It would still behoove yourself to download a proper system scanner like Spybot and run a scan just to be safe (remember to check for updates after you install it). Also keep in mind that some viruses/malware/etc. infect your system restore area and you might have to turn it off, which deletes it and then scan again.

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We need to determine:

What version of IE he's running.

Is he using tabs? If so...might explain it.

I vouch for superantispyware. The name is hokey but the thing has cleaned a lot of stuff the usual tools can't touch. I'd just go straight into Safe mode and start it from there.

Do these processes appear when he's NOT using IE?

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Don't confuse explorer.exe with iexplore. They are separate processes. I had someone bring that up to me once or twice.

Correct, and for anyone that accidently kills explorer.exe, just restart the task manager and go to the File pulldown, select new task (run), and type in explorer and execute. Sometimes good to do when the desktop is goofy, kill the explorer process and restart it.

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We need to determine:

What version of IE he's running.

Is he using tabs? If so...might explain it.

I vouch for superantispyware. The name is hokey but the thing has cleaned a lot of stuff the usual tools can't touch. I'd just go straight into Safe mode and start it from there.

Do these processes appear when he's NOT using IE?

Yeah, sometimes I do too, go straight to safe mode. I occasionally find an infection that is reversed, it can't be found in safe mode, but is there when booted normal. Just depends on what it is. It's a learning experience that constantly changes. Argh...

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Correct, and for anyone that accidently kills explorer.exe, just restart the task manager and go to the File pulldown, select new task (run), and type in explorer and execute. Sometimes good to do when the desktop is goofy, kill the explorer process and restart it.

On my laptop (running vista) explorer.exe will occasionally stop responding, and I have to kill the process. What a pain in the rear. As a side thought, I really need to reload windows on that thing (without all the Toshibe crap) but they don't provide any way for a reload, nop media included, etc.... Looks like time to get a Technet subscriprion anyway.

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Yeah, sometimes I do too, go straight to safe mode. I occasionally find an infection that is reversed, it can't be found in safe mode, but is there when booted normal. Just depends on what it is. It's a learning experience that constantly changes. Argh...

You can thank MS for that. :cool:

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On my laptop (running vista) explorer.exe will occasionally stop responding, and I have to kill the process. What a pain in the rear. As a side thought, I really need to reload windows on that thing (without all the Toshibe crap) but they don't provide any way for a reload, nop media included, etc.... Looks like time to get a Technet subscriprion anyway.

You have the rights to reload your operating system.

1. Try an OEM install of XP or Vista first. If it's cranky about Toshiba owning the original operation system, it will fail on the MS registration at the end of the install, using the serial number on the Vista sticker on the computer. DELLs and HPs will generally fail like that.

2. Try calling Toshiba for the "special" authorized install disk. Small charge for shipping usually. Good luck with that, Toshiba sucks for support. Like they often just say no.

3. Per Microsoft, if the manufacturer of your computer refuses, Microsoft will help you out with replacing your operating system. I have not ever known anyone to try this.

Edited by ReconRat
oops, I said XP, changed to Vista...
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You have the rights to reload your operating system.

1. Try an OEM install of XP or Vista first. If it's cranky about Toshiba owning the original operation system, it will fail on the MS registration at the end of the install, using the serial number on the Vista sticker on the computer. DELLs and HPs will generally fail like that.

2. Try calling Toshiba for the "special" authorized install disk. Small charge for shipping usually. Good luck with that, Toshiba sucks for support. Like they often just say no.

3. Per Microsoft, if the manufacturer of your computer refuses, Microsoft will help you out with replacing your operating system. I have not ever known anyone to try this.

Problem with #1, I didn't write the number down, and now it's rubbed off from using the laptop, well.... on my lap....

As for #'s 2 & 3, I plan to get a Technet sub anyway, so that all my software is "legit". I have 7 on my desktop machine to not have to worry about buying Bista for it. I also need Home Server, and Server 2003, Office, etc....

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