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circleville has nothing on walmart!


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My luck, Id be moving faster than the door sensors...

Its ok. Those doors "pop" open off their hinge if you push on them, they are designed that way as a safety feature, it would slow you down but you'd still get out!

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Been there done that... well not in a walmart but back in college my roomates and I had pocket bikes that we rode to class and around good ol' BG. One day just before the campus police put an end to our shenanigans on campus we were feeling a bit ambitious and made a dash from one end of the student union to the other and into founders, a dorm with handicap ramps at the front and back entrances. Good stuff never got caught, they only put a end to us riding on campus because the fucking basketball team got a few and rode them everywhere even in traffic. And they had the shitty ones that had headlights and shit, not like our cool racing machines more suited for a 5 year old.

One day making a lap around the football stadium two crusiers blocked us on the sidewalk... The first on the scene LEOs had a good laugh with us talking about the bikes, just telling us not to ride on campus property anymore but the fucking chief shows up and was a major power trip threatening to impound them. Little did he know that the city of Bowling Green had already given us clearance to ride on the sidewalk just not in the streets, so we just crossed wooster onto city property, cranked the lil fuckers up and away we went.

Who says the only fun one can have in Bowling Green involves getting an STD?

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