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Montrose Westside - AVOID!!!


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Okay....here's the story (sorry it's long):

Justin (JRMMiii) and I decided to hit up a couple dealerships yesterday since we're both in the market for some new rides. He needed to run to Axlerod on Brookpark Rd. in Parma and I just found that morning a TBSS (Trailblazer SS) at Montrose Westside (Mazada), both open till 9pm. So I pick up Justin and we head out. First stop was at Axlerod for him, in....out....done. Next we go to Montrose. We get there, go in and are greated by a guy named Ken Thatcher, Sales Professional (from his business card). I tell him I saw the internet add for the TBSS and would like to take a look at it. He says sure and runs off. Justin and walk around for a few minutes and then he returns and asks me to his desk. I follow him and then another guy comes over, Stewart Davis, Used Car Manager. He introduces himself and then Ken tells me the truck isn't there. I was like, "What do you mean it isn't here?". Thinking it might be out to be detailed or something. Stewart pipes up and says that one of their service guys took it home so a family member could take a look at it.

Now I'm thinking why the hell would you let an employee take a car home when your business hours are till 9pm that evening? Yeah, nobody is going to come in after 5pm and want to see the vehicle.....sure. Well at this point I was already like "Oh great, like it's going to come back at all now." Well, Ken is persistent and says the will call me first thing in the morning to setup a time to come out and look it over. I told him I would certainly be back ASAP tomorrow, I give him my information and we leave.

So we move today. I get up and head over to a coworkers house for the day since we had several conf. calls we needed to be on for clients. Well.....9am....10am.....11am.....1pm....3pm.....not a single call from my boy Ken at Montrose. So I decided at 4pm to pack it in and head home. I figured I could call them before I leave my house to tell them I'm coming up. So I get home and call Ken but he doesn't answer so I get transferred to the operator. I tell her who I'm looking for and she tries to page him.....no answer. She says she'll page him again.....still no answer. Finally she comes back on and says he with a customer. I tell her I want to speak to another salesman (shit this Ken guy had his chance I talk to some one else). I get a new guy on the phone and tell him I was out last night and the truck was gone and I was supposed to get a return call from Ken so I could come in a look at the truck. He tells me the truck is in the process of be sold as we spoke. I was like "What do you mean!?!?". He tells me that the service guy who took it home the night before, his uncle is signing the paper right now.

NOW I'M PISSED!! WTF!! So I'm thinking should I say something or not. Fuck it....I say to the guy, "That is bullshit! I come in from 30 minutes away to see a car that supposed to be on your lot. Yet one of your employees takes it home at 5pm just so he can have the pleasure of personally having his damn family member get a look at it and first dibs!?!??!" So I finish with, "I was there, in your showroom, ready to put a deposit down and possibly sign papers! And the same 'Professional Salesman' didn't even have enough courtesy to call and tell me it was sold to an employees family member first thing in the morning. Thanks for nothing!" And I hung up.

What the hell is up with this kind of move!?!? I can see if the dealership closes at 6pm and the guy stayed around to take it home after he was done working. But if your open till 9pm and an employee wants to take the car at 5pm, that's bullshit. Hell!! I don't remember any dealership personally driving a car to my house to let me take a look at it!! If his uncle wanted to see the car, MAKE HIS ASS DRIVE UP JUST LIKE I DID!! So Needless to say I can tell you now, if they got 16 truck loads of TBSS' in and called to tell me I'm only going to have three words for them....."GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!"

If this is how the 'Make friends one car at a time' I can't see how they're still in business.

So if you're looking for a new car, I will humbly ask that you avoid ANY Montrose dealerships in the area. They obviously have their employees in mind first when it comes to selling cars.

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His uncle is a customer one in the same, but I had to drive out to get my look at it. It wasn't delivered to me for inspection and possible purchase. If the service guys uncle is a potential customer why didn't he come out to look at it? He didn't because they have a policy of letting employees take vehicles off the lot during normal business hours thusly limiting potential buyers an equal opportunity to purchase that vehicle.

That's the problem.

So what if I called ahead, I would have been treated the exact same. He would take my information down and not called me back. I see no difference on that point.

And as far as the last comment of your second sentence, no. I would of had no problem because more than likely that person would of had to put a deposit of some kind down on it before driving off. He is entitled to purchase if he has money on the vehicle. I would of had no problem with that move what so ever.

But seeing as this employees uncle had nothing in writing, money down, nothing. I was not give an EQUAL opportunity to purchase the truck.

That is not the kind of place I or YOU should be doing business with.

Edited by r1crusher
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His uncle is a customer one in the same, but I had to drive out to get my look at it. It wasn't delivered to me for inspection and possible purchase. If the service guys uncle is a potential customer why didn't he come out to look at? He didn't because they have a policy of letting employees take vehicles off the lot during normal business hours thusly limiting potential buyers an equal opportunity to purchase that vehicle.

That's the problem.

Oh boo-fucking-hoo....you had to "drive out". Maybe if you had an existing relationship with the dealership or a sales person there they would have done the same for you? Oh, that's right you didn't call ahead. :rolleyes: I'm sure the folks at Montrose West were just waiting for you to drive in and swoop down on that car.

Any car on the lot is sold on a first come, first served basis. It wouldn't have been any different if someone else drove in there 30 minutes before you and bought the car, would it?

Apparently, the dealership's "policy" of letting employees take cars home for friends and relatives works pretty well. They sold a unit, and probably didn't have to pay the service guy a commission. Win-Win in my book.

So what if I called ahead, I would have been treated the exactly same. He would take my information down and not called me back. I see no difference on that point.

And you know this because your crystal ball says so? Maybe the sales guy got the impression that the only thing you were interested in was already sold? Maybe he thought you were an asshole and didn't want to deal with you?

And as far as the last comment of your second sentence, no. I would of had no problem because more than likely that person would of had to put a deposit of some kind down on it before driving off. He is entitled to purchase if he has money on the vehicle. I would of had no problem with that move what so ever.

So, because the uncle didn't have to put a deposit down THAT"S why you're pissed? Please -- before you go out looking for a vehicle again, please make sure you put your grown up clothes on.

But seeing as this employees uncle had nothing in writing, money down, nothing. I was not give an EQUAL opportunity to purchase the truck.

Ohhhhh...now I get it. Its about the opportunity. If you were so interested in the vehicle, why didn't you get your lazy ass down there before 6:00?? What time did they open? 9:00? 10:00? Sounds to me like you wasted your opportunity doing something else while the uncle was getting his nephew to bring the car home.

That is not the kind of place I or YOU should be doing business with.

Fuck, I'm not really in the market for anything (just bought a truck and a trailer in the last couple of months) but I'd go down there and buy something just because of what happened.


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Sorry brother, I have to agree with Isaac's Papa. I worked with EVERY BMW dealership in the nation, so I have good understanding of the dealerships.

Does it suck for you, yeah, it does.

Was it a waste of your time, unfortunately, in the end it was.

But I sort of agree the guy taking the car to his family is a perk of working there, or a perk of having family work there.

How about the lady I worked with at BMW that had her sons E46 M3 serviced at a dealership, and they dropped a bolt into the cylinder head, and then when the guy started his engine, it completely shit out a few seconds later. The dealership lied to the customer, lied to me, and lied to their regional rep as to what happened. BMW had one of their master technicians look at the car to determine what happened, and found the problem. That woman had the right to ask people on a forum to not work with the dealer, but I think your experience is not quite in the same ballpark.

I've got even better examples than this one, but don't feel I should post it here. Believe me, I have some CRAZY stuff I have had to deal with.

However, I respect where you are coming from, and know how you feel. Just my two cents I guess.

Edited by Goldie
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It was still a dick move for them to avoid calling Kevin back. I mean, if it was sold, they could've let him know like they said they were going to.

Luckily it wasn't a completely wasted trip since I had to run out there anyway (I appreciate that Kevin drove too :) thx), but it still could've been handled in a more upfront and honest manner from the get go. The only thing that I see that went wrong was that Kevin wasn't able to call them beforehand to make sure they still had the vehicle. It just happened to be a bad assumption (which usually isn't) that it'd still be on the lot when the dealer was still open.

If it was a first come first serve dealership - technically, Kevin would've been first unless the tech himself was going to buy it.

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I agree, it could have been handled better, and you would think it would be common freaking courtesy to call Kevin, but people don't have that, and dealers sure as hell don't have that.

But I think starting a thread advising to avoid them is a bit brash.

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It was still a dick move for them to avoid calling Kevin back. I mean, if it was sold, they could've let him know like they said they were going to.

Eh, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Obviously, since no one knows the whole story about the sales guy's morning, maybe something happened?

Luckily it wasn't a completely wasted trip since I had to run out there anyway (I appreciate that Kevin drove too :) thx), but it still could've been handled in a more upfront and honest manner from the get go. The only thing that I see that went wrong was that Kevin wasn't able to call them beforehand to make sure they still had the vehicle. It just happened to be a bad assumption (which usually isn't) that it'd still be on the lot when the dealer was still open.

What wasn't honest and up front about the whole thing? Sounds to me like you knew the score by the time you left the dealership. The car wasn't there anymore, so? Would it have been different if someone wrecked the car on a test drive earlier in the day? As I see it, he should have called before he went if that was the only car at the dealership he was interested in.

If it was a first come first serve dealership - technically, Kevin would've been first unless the tech himself was going to buy it.

Although Kevin may have physically the first in the dealership, he apparently wasn't first in making some type of offer on the vehicle. Did anyone else drive the vehicle or express an interest in before the Uncle? Maybe they should be pissed too?

Maybe if he would have called ahead, gave a salesman a credit card deposit to hold the car, it would have been there when he got there.

I don't think you can spin this to put the blame on the dealership.

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Well, they said they'd call back around noon... obviously they didn't, so when Kevin called at 4, the TBSS was getting the papers done as they spoke. So, he would've had at least 4 hours to get down there an make an offer prior to the uncle if the dealership followed through.

You're right, no one knows what the salesman's morning was like... and maybe it was too much to ask that they'd call when they said. I know, peoples' lack of follow through on everything I deal with on a daily basis - so if you wanna fault Kevin for not being super persistent about it, that's your prerogative.

I dunno. I understand how Kevin feels because I was there, but I know how cutthroat and "no love lost" dealer attitudes are too... so, Kevin told his story and you guys are going to judge it accordingly. But, the important thing is the experience is out there to let you judge if that's the kind of dealership you want to work with - right, wrong, or indifferent.

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Well, they said they'd call back around noon... obviously they didn't, so when Kevin called at 4, the TBSS was getting the papers done as they spoke. So, he would've had at least 4 hours to get down there an make an offer prior to the uncle if the dealership followed through.

You're right, no one knows what the salesman's morning was like... and maybe it was too much to ask that they'd call when they said. I know, peoples' lack of follow through on everything I deal with on a daily basis - so if you wanna fault Kevin for not being super persistent about it, that's your prerogative.

I dunno. I understand how Kevin feels because I was there, but I know how cutthroat and "no love lost" dealer attitudes are too... so, Kevin told his story and you guys are going to judge it accordingly. But, the important thing is the experience is out there to let you judge if that's the kind of dealership you want to work with - right, wrong, or indifferent.

Hey, it sucks when something you really wanted isn't at the dealership when you get there, but that's what happens with used cars.

Its too bad that he didn't get it if he really wanted it, but I can't fault the dealership in this case. If Kevin had been in there, put a deposit on the car, and THEN the dealership sent it home with the tech for the uncle it would have been a different story.

Sorry, Kevin you sound like a whining sally on this one.

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Sorry to hear you didnt get your ss, I would have been there at 9 when they opened and the service tech would have had the truck there. I have seen where the first to get bought by the bank gets the car. Who knows maybe it took all day to find a mooch bank for his uncle and you could have been driving by noon? There will always be another truck out there though, you may find a better deal in the long run.

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Out of the six people I know that bought the ss new all six have gotten rid of them. Every one of them had trannys replaced at least 3 times each. On top of that they suck on gas. My friend Mickey was getting 11mpg with his stock rear wheel drive!

It's a good looking truck an fun to drive but not worth the coin an mechanical problems.

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sorry you didn't get what you wanted... My buddy has a tbss and loves it, he just put some sweet ass acura projectors in it and some led running lights. I know you're wanting one bad from what it sounds like, but you might be able to find one for sale cheaper from a private party. I'd check out here, they've always got people selling their tb's and purdy cheap with mods.


I'm not gonna be a dick, but fwiw I always call ahead to a dealership before I drive to look at cars/bikes even if its 10 minutes away. I had a similar thing happen to me with a wrx a few years ago. Sold 2 hours after they posted it online, what can ya do.

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Out of the six people I know that bought the ss new all six have gotten rid of them. Every one of them had trannys replaced at least 3 times each. On top of that they suck on gas. My friend Mickey was getting 11mpg with his stock rear wheel drive!

It's a good looking truck an fun to drive but not worth the coin an mechanical problems.

Man I hate when you have to get a new tranny.....

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Okay you stupid as they come cock gobbler....

Oh boo-fucking-hoo....you had to "drive out". Maybe if you had an existing relationship with the dealership or a sales person there they would have done the same for you? Oh, that's right you didn't call ahead. :rolleyes: I'm sure the folks at Montrose West were just waiting for you to drive in and swoop down on that car.

I do have existing relationships with dealers, where I live. NOT IN PARMA. And this has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with any kind of relationship with dealers. I don't call them up and tell them to bring cars home for me to look at. They have a thing for those, they're call DEALERSHIPS! Calling ahead would have saved me the trip out, sure. But I was already out there with Justin. Read the post again ya dip shit!

Any car on the lot is sold on a first come, first served basis. It wouldn't have been any different if someone else drove in there 30 minutes before you and bought the car, would it?

If it's first come first serve I believe I was there DURING BUSINESS HOURS BEFORE THE UNCLE! If someone would have bought it 30 minutes before, fine. That would mean SOMEONE CAME TO SEE IT ON THE LOT AND IT WAS THERE! Are you getting the picture yet Mr. Gobbler??

I'll spell it out for you so you understand this point.

The car was taken by the service guy. I showed up and it wasn't there. I leave information to call me as soon as it's back the next day.

Now I'll change it up for you.

I called to inquire about the car but it was taken by the service guy. I leave information to call me as soon as it's back the next day.

Hhhhmm...doesn't seem very different to me.

Apparently, the dealership's "policy" of letting employees take cars home for friends and relatives works pretty well. They sold a unit, and probably didn't have to pay the service guy a commission. Win-Win in my book.

Here....I'll say it again for you asshat. If your business hours are to be open till 9pm, HAVE THE CAR ON THE LOT! If the service guy wanted to take it home after they closed, fine.

I'll tell you a story and include you in a way you'll understand: Lets say you head out to your local gay boutique. You're looking for a hard to find 'Monster Ass Terminator' dildo you've been wanting for a while. You heard they had one so you head up there only to find out the guy that stocks product in the back took it home to try it out with his buddy. They tell you it'll be back tomorrow and you can come look at it. You give him your information to call you when it's back (and maybe more). But the next day they don't call and you call them to see. They tell you it's sold. Now, if it had been on display in the shop during business hours you very well could have taken it home and did whatever it is you gay people do.

And you know this because your crystal ball says so? Maybe the sales guy got the impression that the only thing you were interested in was already sold? Maybe he thought you were an asshole and didn't want to deal with you?

Maybe the sales guy could do what he promises and at least calls back. And yeah, I always walk into a dealership acting like the ass you're are.

So, because the uncle didn't have to put a deposit down THAT"S why you're pissed? Please -- before you go out looking for a vehicle again, please make sure you put your grown up clothes on.

Lets see...I was there....during business hours....looking for this truck....it was taken home....no deposits were made on it....no equal opportunity to purchase the truck. Hey, at least I know where I can go to more than likely not find the car I'm looking for even if they tell you they have one. Get the picture bright eyes?

Ohhhhh...now I get it. Its about the opportunity. If you were so interested in the vehicle, why didn't you get your lazy ass down there before 6:00?? What time did they open? 9:00? 10:00? Sounds to me like you wasted your opportunity doing something else while the uncle was getting his nephew to bring the car home.

My 'lazy ass' does have something you probably don't....A JOB! You certainly make a lot of assumptions here my ass pirate friend. I suggest you stick to the topic instead of making false assumptions.

Fuck, I'm not really in the market for anything (just bought a truck and a trailer in the last couple of months) but I'd go down there and buy something just because of what happened.

Then by all means run your gaping ass wounded self down there and buy every car on the lot! From the tone of your replies you either didn't get any poo on your dick in a while from your man partner or you work for Montrose.

I'd probably guess both.

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As a side note, Ken the Professional Salesman just called me back about 10 minutes ago. Told me that the truck was 90% completed to be sold. I promptly told him I had already talked to another salesman who gave me that information....YESTERDAY. He then tells me thanks for coming in and maybe he'll see me again soon. I told him that it's not likely, said goodbye and hung up.

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Cash talks, bullshit walks.

The dealership doesn't give a rat's ass who buys the truck, grease monkey's uncle, you, or anyone else.

The employee got off work at 5, knew his uncle wanted the truck and made the deal happen.

After all this run around, you STILL wanted to do business with this company? WTF, man? Someone treats me like an asshole and the LAST thing I'm willing to do is go and give them $20k+.

Cars are just things, you're way too worked up over this. Hopefully your troubles buying this toy are the biggest problem in your life.

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Cash talks, bullshit walks.

The dealership doesn't give a rat's ass who buys the truck, grease monkey's uncle, you, or anyone else.

The employee got off work at 5, knew his uncle wanted the truck and made the deal happen.

After all this run around, you STILL wanted to do business with this company? WTF, man? Someone treats me like an asshole and the LAST thing I'm willing to do is go and give them $20k+.

Cars are just things, you're way too worked up over this. Hopefully your troubles buying this toy are the biggest problem in your life.

You're right, they don't care. But no, I won't be doing business with any Montrose group. I'm over being worked up about it. It's just a simple thought I'm trying to instill in others. You expect something to be there, calling, showing up, whatever. I knew when I went in there it could have already been sold. I'm okay with that. But to not have it there during your business hours because an employee took it home and not having any deposit is not right to me. Plain and simple. You're right it's just a car, a hard to find car, but a car none the less. I'll keep right on shopping, just not at Montrose since I'll never know if it's going to be taken home by some employee and sold.

And my problem is my lease it going to be up very shortly and given this is the car I want and finding one is difficult, I can't be fucking around with retard dealerships like Montrose.

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