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Patriotism :-)


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Actually a patriot would fight for his right to burn the flag in protest. I don't like it at all, but it's their right and I'll fight for it. The people that taped him to the pole should see jail time...

Having said that, destruction of private property is a crime as well.

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Thats why its titled Patriotism..... everyone see's it differently. I dont think this guy was expressing his freedom of speech by burning a flag. He was trying to be as big of an ass as he could by destroying the one thing he knew they held dear to them. wrong on 2 counts by my view!

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Thats why its titled Patriotism..... everyone see's it differently. I dont think this guy was expressing his freedom of speech by burning a flag. He was trying to be as big of an ass as he could by destroying the one thing he knew they held dear to them. wrong on 2 counts by my view!

I agree, I think he was being an ass. This is where my initial response comes from

"He'll never disrespect the flag again, I can tell you that," Normile said.

Doing that to him because he would burn a flag is a bit unpatriotic. Doing that to him because he was being a dick is funny.

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Actually a patriot would fight for his right to burn the flag in protest. I don't like it at all, but it's their right and I'll fight for it. The people that taped him to the pole should see jail time...

Having said that, destruction of private property is a crime as well.

Thats why its titled Patriotism..... everyone see's it differently. I dont think this guy was expressing his freedom of speech by burning a flag. He was trying to be as big of an ass as he could by destroying the one thing he knew they held dear to them. wrong on 2 counts by my view!

I understand both of you. As an American, he has the right to burn the flag. The guy was also given a choice, and he chose the duct tape. Jail time for the poeple that duct taped him? No because the settled the dispute between themselves. I believe the flag should only be burned when being disposed of. To burn it because you forgot your ID and they legally can't serve you, thats pretty dicked up.

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I think its awesome! Well done on the VFW's side. No complaints out of me. The guy did something he knew would hit the Vets hard just to be a prick. He then "voluntarily" sat there. The only thing that was done that was against the law was the burning of the flag, only against the law since it wasnt his.

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Yeah' date=' that's true. You can't burn something that does not belong to you. Vandalism is not a right and he should have been arrested.

However, he did voluntarily get taped up. I am now torn on this one. They gave him options and he chose one. I think I'm ok with it, but still don't think it's wrong to burn your own flag. [b']Well, it's wrong, but not wrong... if that makes sense.

I know what you mean. I'm kind of torn on it too.

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Why don't we just make fireproof flags?

Actually, burning an American Flag is the proper way to dispose of it.


The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.

I get annoyed when people wear it as apparel.



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this just wasn't any flag tho'... it was a flag from an outpost in Iraq where several american soldiers died... So I think the symbology goes deeper for some of the members of that VFW. I understand both sides of the argument, but that guy deserved a good ass whoopin'.

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this just wasn't any flag tho'... it was a flag from an outpost in Iraq where several american soldiers died... So I think the symbology goes deeper for some of the members of that VFW. I understand both sides of the argument, but that guy deserved a good ass whoopin'.

:eek: dammit, buy him a one way ticket to afgan and let him walk back from the boonies...

with no food or water...

in the mountains...

in the winter...

wearing a clown outfit...

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Yeah' date=' that's true. You can't burn something that does not belong to you. Vandalism is not a right and he should have been arrested.

However, he did voluntarily get taped up. I am now torn on this one. They gave him options and he chose one. I think I'm ok with it, but still don't think it's wrong to burn your own flag. Well, it's wrong, but not wrong... if that makes sense.[/quote']

I am glad I got you to see the other side. :D ha ha

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