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WTF!!!!! Pres. Obama reciveves the Nobel Peace Prize!??!?!


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errrr..... yeah, reagan was a movie star. he was elected on his policies.....HIS POLICIES not others. he did bring many countries together and if they didnt like him they feared him. If some one was looking into nuclear weapons they were cut off from any possiblity of getting them. if you messed with HiS country you ended up with a war head in your ass with 24 hours. Yeah, he was a movie star and a great leader............... last but not least, he took a economy worse (not by much) than what we have now and had the country booming. unlike someone else who has been in office less than a year and has spent more than all presidents combined. dont even put them in the same sentence....... its a insult

Well said!

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Regardless of how you feel about Obama, this demonstrates the huge collective sigh of relief of the world from the last administration. It was so bad that Obama could win this just on promises.

You're absolutely right Justin......

They're breathing a sigh of relief because they know the U.S is just one big pussy now with a non-American, tree huggin' liberal hippy at the helm & they can begin the invasion/conquest with no fear of retribution in 3.....2.....1

Edited by Fonzie
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Hm, Nobel Price, I don't know.

I can't understand why people always complain, "well, what has he done so far". Repair of issues in a country that has been driven into the ground for 8 years cannot be done within a few months. It is like eating unhealthy and fatty for 8 years and being 150 lbs overweight - eating right for a few months won't make you lose all that extra weight yet. It takes time, especially with the opposition he has to deal with. Republicans in the senate are still controlling a lot of aspects of the US politics...

I for my part still think that he will do good. People just gotta give him a chance.

And, ALL politician promise crap that they won't keep anyways just to get elected - in EVERY country!

All politicians don't get Nobel Prizes for speeches & lip service...... With NO tangible results

Gore cheapened the award...... This makes it a complete farce!

Edited by Fonzie
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In case you havent... here is a good vid to get an idea...

Unreal! Wow, brainwashing at it's best. WTF! That is just pure sick to be singing a song about someone like that. Those kids will cut their wrists whenever he's out of office I'm sure. :nono:

the morons in my office are saying "wow that is so awesome" and "I'm glad he won the award"...jesus H christ

Since he has ran for president I'm seeing how full this country is with weak minded individuals that can easily be brainwashed. You say the word "change" to people who want life easier and they will hang on to everything you say and worship you. I don't like the direction this land is going at all. I hope it doesn't get any worse. If it does I'm sure we will have a war on our own land in a hundred years or so trying to take it back to the way it use to be after it gets changed to a land it never was. I won't be alive I'm sure, but if I was I'd fight because I'm already pissed off inside, let alone a hundred years from now. :dunno:

Edited by NinjaNick
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You're absolutely right Justin......

They're breathing a sigh of relief because they know the U.S is just one big pussy now with a non-American, tree huggin' liberal hippy at the helm & they can begin the invasion/conquest in 3.....2.....1

Honesty, I do not think anyone is stupid enough to think that Iran will all of a sudden like the US because a democrat is in office. Everyone HAS to realize by now that they hate the US, yes ALL of us, even you jrmiiiiiiiiiii, they even hate Al Frankin! They hate what we stand for, they want us all to die. They always will, it's not about wearing Levis or drinking Starbucks, it's about womens rights and the rights of gay people, it's deeper than anything we do, it's who we are as a people and that will never change.

Fonzie is right, they laugh at us because we are over here thinking our president is going to make a diffrence in the way Iran and South Korea deals with the US. They know that historically Democrats are not as harsh when it comes to world problems.

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Honesty, I do not think anyone is stupid enough to think that Iran will all of a sudden like the US because a democrat is in office. Everyone HAS to realize by now that they hate the US, yes ALL of us, even you jrmiiiiiiiiiii, they even hate Al Frankin! They hate what we stand for, they want us all to die. They always will, it's not about wearing Levis or drinking Starbucks, it's about womens rights and the rights of gay people, it's deeper than anything we do, it's who we are as a people and that will never change.

Fonzie is right, they laugh at us because we are over here thinking our president is going to make a diffrence in the way Iran and South Korea deals with the US. They know that historically Democrats are not as harsh when it comes to world problems.

:plus1: That's why the world was celebrating when he won. They're singing, "Yaaaaaay, America is slowly getting weaker! woooooooooo!".

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Face it guys, Our way of thinking is obsolete. Our country is changing and we and our thoughts, ideas and opinions are going to be left behind. We will be grouchy old men dis-satisfied with our world to the bitter end. We'll be sitting in our rocking chair, watching all that we love implode and the sheep will run in circles wondering why everything has failed. And nobody will understand when we say "I told you so"

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"To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone— to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone: From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink — greetings!" - Orwell, "1984"

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You're absolutely right Justin......

They're breathing a sigh of relief because they know the U.S is just one big pussy now with a non-American, tree huggin' liberal hippy at the helm & they can begin the invasion/conquest with no fear of retribution in 3.....2.....1

You can put your tinfoil hat back in your underground bunker. :rolleyes::p

I'll never understand why people think war is better than peaceful coexistence. Cooperation is easier than competition. Work smarter not harder... all those other cliches that make sense.

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