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WTF!!!!! Pres. Obama reciveves the Nobel Peace Prize!??!?!


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you are right the whole world i watching and laughing at us right now. how are we supposed to win a war we are in now when you give a prize for peace to a man in charge of it. :nono: kinda puts him in a bit of conflicting intrests.

I see where you're coming from, however we must remember that he didn't START the war. Now that being established, bringing an end to the current campaigns would be noteworthy. So yes, he is in charge of the war however that's the hand that he was dealt when he was sworn in... How he plays said hand is what's critical.

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I see where you're coming from, however we must remember that he didn't START the war. Now that being established, bringing an end to the current campaigns would be noteworthy. So yes, he is in charge of the war however that's the hand that he was dealt when he was sworn in... How he plays said hand is what's critical.

yes just the same as every president before him. its the perks of the job. :)

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I see where you're coming from, however we must remember that he didn't START the war. Now that being established, bringing an end to the current campaigns would be noteworthy. So yes, he is in charge of the war however that's the hand that he was dealt when he was sworn in... How he plays said hand is what's critical.

So far he's been doing nothing. He got a request for 40K more troops but apparently he's been sitting on his thumb for 40 some days now refusing to make a decision while the troops we do have over there are twisting in the wind waiting on help to arrive.

I'm guessing now that some idiots gave him a "Peace Prize" He may just give up and let them declare victory over us and bring our boys back home with their tail between their legs.

It would look a bit contradictory for a Peace Prize winner to actually send the troops required to "Win" a war.... wouldnt it?

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I'f I have to live under a ruler who makes me submit my work and assets, leaves me without choice or hope to succeed, limits or restricts my freedoms beyond my ability to bare it or the ability for my children to excell, just to live "In peace"!!!!! Then, No Thank you! A very Un-peaceful resolution was called for back in the 1700's and it shouldnt come as a surprise when and if it ever happens again.

And Competition is the heart of what has made this modern world you live in!!!

Lol, wut? You need to read more books.

So far he's been doing nothing. He got a request for 40K more troops but apparently he's been sitting on his thumb for 40 some days now refusing to make a decision while the troops we do have over there are twisting in the wind waiting on help to arrive.

I'm guessing now that some idiots gave him a "Peace Prize" He may just give up and let them declare victory over us and bring our boys back home with their tail between their legs.

It would look a bit contradictory for a Peace Prize winner to actually send the troops required to "Win" a war.... wouldnt it?

Win what war? It's already been won...


So...I don't know wtf Obama is doing

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Lol, wut? You need to read more books.

Win what war? It's already been won...

So...I don't know wtf Obama is doing

When you realize the "right" is right, it trips you up so bad you reply with jibberish.... lmao

But your last statement had some substance, I dont think anyone knows wtf Obama is doing. Dont let it bother you! :D

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yes just the same as every president before him. its the perks of the job. :)

Yup! When something makes you unpopular, just blame it on the previous administration! :rulez:

I love this country amd all that it stands for. I just pray that we can get back to the principles that it was founded on. If you have to ask what principles I'm talking about, go read The Constitution!

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Reagan was a movie star, a REAL movie star! We seem to have a long list of failures getting elected to the highest office in the country. What gives?
errrr..... yeah, reagan was a movie star. he was elected on his policies.....HIS POLICIES not others. he did bring many countries together and if they didnt like him they feared him. If some one was looking into nuclear weapons they were cut off from any possiblity of getting them. if you messed with HiS country you ended up with a war head in your ass with 24 hours. Yeah, he was a movie star and a great leader............... last but not least, he took a economy worse (not by much) than what we have now and had the country booming. unlike someone else who has been in office less than a year and has spent more than all presidents combined. dont even put them in the same sentence....... its a insult

I should have put that as 2 separate sections. One talking about Reagan, which even though he was a movie star years before he was president, was a great president, most surely the best one of in my 35 years!

I still don't know where they are getting these "movie star" characters that they put up for the nomination for president. out of all the people in the US, these clowns are the best we can come up with?

We armed liberals didn't start shooting people during the Bush term, you can man up and do what you're supposed to do: advocate, debate, protest, change minds, try to set yourselves up to win the next election. That's the whole point of the process.

Theh process is a BIG part of the problem. Politics has become too much of a popularity contest. It's more about getting elected, and good intentions than about doing the right thing, and what the people that voted them into office want them to do.

When you start threatening to kill my countrymen over such a disagreement, you negate the whole point of having a democracy (or a 'constitutionally-limited democratic republic'), and you alienate people with whom you might otherwise find some commonality of views.

I'm sorry that you find the constitution so limiting. I find it liberating! The constitution does more to protect us from the government than limiting us.

One of my favorite quotes goes something like this: It's not about left or right, it's about right or wrong!

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I see where you're coming from, however we must remember that he didn't START the war. Now that being established, bringing an end to the current campaigns would be noteworthy. So yes, he is in charge of the war however that's the hand that he was dealt when he was sworn in... How he plays said hand is what's critical.

Kawi's & another are onto somethin' here......

They're trying to pre-position & manipulate him into NOT sending those extra 40,000 troops over there to finish this thing.

They know his weakness is his vanity....... So they're gonna cater to that & stroke his ego so he won't want to look bad & will do exxxxactly what they want him to

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I'm sorry that you find the constitution so limiting. I find it liberating! The constitution does more to protect us from the government than limiting us.

One of my favorite quotes goes something like this: It's not about left or right, it's about right or wrong!

You misunderstand my meaning. I was only referring to the correct term for our system of government. I don't find the constitution particularly 'limiting'. The term 'constitutionally-limited' is both valid and correct. Our form of government is constitutionally limited.

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Kawi's & another are onto somethin' here......

They're trying to pre-position & manipulate him into NOT sending those extra 40,000 troops over there to finish this thing.

They know his weakness is his vanity....... So they're gonna cater to that & stroke his ego so he won't want to look bad & will do exxxxactly what they want him to

funny you mention his ego. he is the most unexperienced liberal president we have ever had and all this priz e will do is swell his already inflated head to finally match those big ass ears.

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Kawi's & another are onto somethin' here......

They're trying to pre-position & manipulate him into NOT sending those extra 40,000 troops over there to finish this thing.

They know his weakness is his vanity....... So they're gonna cater to that & stroke his ego so he won't want to look bad & will do exxxxactly what they want him to

A puppet. I think you are exactly correct.

No matter what the reasons for the war in the middle east, pulling our troops out before it is finished and stable will have dire consequences. If this happens, all those that have sacrificed their lives, will be for nothing. Obamo hasn't done much for the the war, but it is one of the biggest items on his plate. Hell, he has made a dozen or so trips overseas to try to get the olympics here but sits on his ass when asked for 40K more troops? I'm sorry but fuck the olympics at this point, there are more pressing matters at hand. This "award" and I use that term loosely, is based on him having the intentions to do something, not what he has done. He is cutting our nuclear arsenal in hopes for a nuclear free world? China, Russia will not follow. We will be defensless and screwed. Has he not looked at history? Talking with these countries does not work. What an idoit.

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You misunderstand my meaning. I was only referring to the correct term for our system of government. I don't find the constitution particularly 'limiting'. The term 'constitutionally-limited' is both valid and correct. Our form of government is constitutionally limited.

Ok, ok. Just making sure! Too many think that we the people are limited by the constitution, when it is the document that ensures our freedom.

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Regardless of how you feel about Obama, this demonstrates the huge collective sigh of relief of the world from the last administration. It was so bad that Obama could win this just on promises.

...and it's not the least bit worrisome for you that Obama is still being judged on the merits of NOT being Bush, while continuing literally all of Bush's programs and wars, even escalating Afghanistan?

color me confused on the liberal mindset here, but aren't you guys heavily overlooking reality at this point? I should hope that you'd at least expect SOME progress from him, CONSIDERING THAT HE HAS AN UNSTOPPABLE SUPERMAJORITY in Congress and can pass literally anything he wants.

I mean... How long do you people expect to be able to say, " well, at least Bush is out of office, amirite?" it's getting a little hollow these days.

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It is not for what he has done but for what he says he is going to do or attempt to do. For the most part this seems to be a bit of a joke to everyone else who has earned the prize. Pretty much the same as his office so far. A lot of hot air and no action.

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i dont think canada would be to bad of a place to live

Too cold, but the nightlife and weed are awesome i hear.

What about the Caribbean? The Sex/White slavery trade is booming. :nono:

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I just pulled my son out of little league because I found out they all get trophies just for playing.

I think it's a dangerous practice to teach children that they are all equal.

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I think it's a dangerous practice to teach children that they are all equal.

Ok, I can kinda back you on that one, but...

I just pulled my son out of little league because I found out they all get trophies just for playing.

I hope you're not serious there.

Or if you are, you've found a different league for him to play in. Granted, I'm not a father or anything, but it's not fair to rob your child of the experience because of political views - IMHO, of course.

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