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pissed!! :mad:


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got my s1 piece alpinestars suit in today..

came ups while i was at work.

wife had it laying in the computer room while she was taking a shower, came out to find the dog (the one that never chews on anything) had chewed the sleeve.

about 3 inches of the sleeve is gone.

well my good buy turned into shit!

highly doubt its repairable at all. plus it will probably cost more to repair than whats its worth fixing. fucking shitty! atleast it wasnt a brand new suit.

but still $225 down the drain!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


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That SUX dude!! I think the Humane Society drop box is open 24/7! :D Crap like that is why our dog went to live with Grandma, and the cats stay outside now

Grew up with multiple pets, and then of course our kids just HAD to have 'em...... And they've all ruined too much of my shit over the years

I think of pets like some think of grandkids...... Fun to love 'em up..... Then send 'em home!! ;)

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I'd still wear it. I have gauntlets that would cover it.

I'd be upset too though.

im dropping it off at my friends moms (she does leather repair) to see if it can be fixed. if it can ill still rock it, if not then ill go buy another suit.

im still uber jacked about the situation right now! :mad::(

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that's a bummer... got my fingers crossed for a repair :)

me too. got pics sent out to her already. hope to hear some word back tomorrow. if she can do it and at a decent price ill let her have it. then ill have her add some leather in other places if i think it needs it.

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welcome to the world of being a pet owner. i left my boston terrier out one day and he decided to eat the fucking couch cushion. talk about being fucking pissed. i could have killed the fucker. he did get a few swats to the nose and ass, with a few stern no's. that sucks but its not the end of the world. wont gloves cover it up like nick said.

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sorry bout the suit man but need more details on the shower :D

Dude, you fucking crack me up!

Sorry about the suit man... somthing similar happened to my 200+ held gloves... buddies wolf, yes wolf, sot a hold of the one. I ended up sewing it for a repair, but still sucked donkey balls! :(

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That sucks. Dogs are dumb. if they weren't so fucking awesome, I doubt they would be kept as companions.

I'm a pretty lucky pet owner, my dog doesn't chew up anything. He chewed a pair of Doc Martens and a belt when he was a brand new puppy, and that is it in 5 years. I think the main reason is that we give him a rawhide everyday. He's a little guy, so he just gets the little Dingo bones.

He knows they are his to chew and that he always will have one to chew, so he gets all his jaw work on them rather than my expensive stuff. Buying rawhides all the time is still cheaper than replacing leather goods.

Edited by Artmageddon
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holy shit! one of our dogs chewed up the camera cord last night...of course I didn't find out til this morning when I went to plug it into my comp :mad:

not to be a pessimist but that suit is probably ruined. with that much leather missing and the zipper too, after repair it prob won't do it's job - protecting your arm - if you go down

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