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EMT, first responder anyone?


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As a medic when I started in 1992, I was getting paid $6.79 an hour....yes those are medic wages with an associates degree. Paid just as well to wipe asses in a nursing home, with a ton more responsibility. I am probably lucky I made it as long as I did. My second week on the job I had 2 babies drown in car that rolled down a hill into a pond. (eternal mental picture). When I left that job in 2000, I was making $9.66 an hour. I still admire some of my friends who are still there. I know the pay has gotten better, but the mental stress is ridiculous.

The mental stress is why I just don't think I could do that job. I know a few fire fighters, and I've talked about it a little to them, and I just don't know how they do it! I joke with them and call them "dumb firefighters", who would be dumb enough to run into a burning building, after all.. BUT, I always make sure they know that's not what I really think of them! To some, it's just a job, but to me, it's just a job that takes a certain sort of person to do! Most are so humble about the job that they do, also!

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just keep tring... the course.. you really want is firefighter I-II its the 240 card.. it covers everything you need to be certified and work anywhere, the I card alone is only a 120 course which is fine but doesnt cover advanced firefighting tech, and the 120 and 240 are the amount of Hrs you are in class and clinicals... remember to keep at it once you get your card.. its really hard to get onto a great dept .. 2 years ago.. columbus Hired on 7 Firefighters, over 3500 tested... so GL
As a fellow firefighter and medic good luck! Keep at it, its hard work. The 240 class is what you want like twisted said. It is offered at a couple different places around town. PM me if you need anything.

Thanks for the info!

I was going for the Volunteer thing (it's part time paid volunteer), until I get finished with some things at school. That and not really sure if it's positively what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have 3 years in Criminal Justice studies. So who knows...Thanks again for the info.

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The mental stress is why I just don't think I could do that job. I know a few fire fighters, and I've talked about it a little to them, and I just don't know how they do it! I joke with them and call them "dumb firefighters", who would be dumb enough to run into a burning building, after all.. BUT, I always make sure they know that's not what I really think of them! To some, it's just a job, but to me, it's just a job that takes a certain sort of person to do! Most are so humble about the job that they do, also!

My Mom always brags me up to people, and I am always with my head down saying awwww shucks Mom. I appreciate the fact that people look up to us and what we do. You learn to generate your own coping mechanism to deal with the nasty stuff. Riding is one of them for me.

As for career choices.....I dont look back a single day and think of doing anything else. The schedule is great, my extended family of 19 brothers, the pay and retirement are great.

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