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UK Driver Speeds Through Puddle, Drenches Kids, May Face Prosecution


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Funniest dick move of the day... better yet it's on tape! :lol: I feel bad for the pedestrians, but can't stop laughing.



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From the story:

'The Road Traffic Act contains an offence of "careless, and inconsiderate, driving" and, according to Crown Prosecution Service policy, that could include driving through a puddle to splash bystanders.

Courts may impose fines of up to £2,500 for such an offence.'

Damn. I did that to someone up by the Columbus convention center once, when I was about 17. Laughed my ass off.

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1st why the hell were they standing practically on the road. Damn looks like they were on the curb.

2nd....When I was a teen, there would be some kids in town that would jump and yell for you to splash them as you drove by. I loved splashing the shit out of them.

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Resident Limey says: There is an offense of "Inconsiderate Driving". It's like a speeding ticket. It's a more difficult prosecution than speeding because to be ruled 'inconsiderate' requires the prosecution prove the act was intentional. Most traffic offenses don't require they prove you did it on purpose.

It's used in situations where no other stated law was broken, however the driver's actions created a dangerous situation, etc. You'd also get this for speeding up while being passed etc.

If Columbus introduced a law against inconsiderate driving then half the city's driving population would be on death row before the week is out.

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