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(ALMS) Lizard Porsche vs Corvette @ Laguna


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Yeah, that was a BS move for sure. They should ban that guy for such aggressive driving...

On another note, the announcer Brian Till is a BAD ASS driver. I got a chance to sit as passenger in one of the Mid-Ohio school Acuras with him at the wheel. FOOOKING NUTS!!! In a VERY good way. If there's one thing I will miss is that guy.

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yeah i watched this unfold live and i was more than upset.... jorge has always been one of my favorite drivers, but not so much anymore :(

Jorg could have killed Magnussen!!! He knew exactly what he was doing too! But will Porsche get penalized? No, because they whine about everything. If anyone is faster than them, they complain to get the rules changed in their favor. Then when the other teams find a way to out-do them again, Porsche complains for another rule change. It's BS.

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it also looked like the vette bumped the porsche from behind into the last corner and almost made the porsche lose control?

i'm no expert, and drivers shouldn't try to get vengeance, but to lose the lead (and the race) because he got bumped from behind and almost lost control seems a bit unfair as well. and obviously, what the porsche did to the vette was a quite a bit more drastic than a rear bumper tap. nonetheless.

i think both drivers were put on probation for 2 races because of all that.

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What a load of crap... I'm glad I didn't watch that live, I would've been fuming.

Bumping someone is one thing - that's a 45 mph hairpin turn on Laguna, putting them in a wall on a fast straightaway is another. Porsche can be whiners, but Magnussen and the vette pull on the Porsche on the straights... so Jorg should've attempted the block, then maybe a rub, then let him go.

Don't be an asshat driver. Not only could he've been killed, but he just destroyed a ton of expensive equipment.

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What a load of crap... I'm glad I didn't watch that live, I would've been fuming.

Bumping someone is one thing - that's a 45 mph hairpin turn on Laguna, putting them in a wall on a fast straightaway is another. Porsche can be whiners, but Magnussen and the vette pull on the Porsche on the straights... so Jorg should've attempted the block, then maybe a rub, then let him go.

Don't be an asshat driver. Not only could he've been killed, but he just destroyed a ton of expensive equipment.

Couldn't agree more. My roommate and I just watched the video a few times breaking it down. Jorg knew he was gonna pit maneuver Jan and he did it anyways. That's fuckin' cheap. And yes, the Vettes were running well all day and pulling hard on the straights. Jorg knew he wasn't going to win a drag race to the finish.

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