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Gun control


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Barack Obama at a recent rural elementary school assembly in East Texas , asked the audience for total quiet. Then, in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence.

Then he said into the microphone, "Children, every time I clap my hands together, a child in America dies from gun violence."

Then, little Richard Earl, with a proud East Texas drawl, pierced the quiet and said: "Well, dumb-ass, stop clapping!"

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I got to thinking the other day, What id someone were to take the second amendment away. What if someone just said, oh its just a piece of paper, with some old writing on it, It doesn't mean anything. I wonder what would happen?

Civil War.

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I'd hope as an American public we stand up for our rights and Civil War II starts. I don't want the death and other effects associated with it, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. There are enough pro-gun Americans that, I think that would pull the pin in the grenade.

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Gun control is using both hands...

I like that quote, but it still shocks me how careless some gun owners are with their weapons.

I am NOT well educated on guns, but I know the basics - like "don't point it at anything you don't want to put a hole in, even if you think it's not loaded."

I was at a friend's house a few weeks ago, and he pulls out his handguns. 3 of them. I figure, "i'm an intelligent guy - follow rule #1, and there's no issue."

so I'm cautiously holding a 9mm (no clip, no round in the chamber - i checked. twice), but I was STILL very careful not to sweep anyone with the barrel. Isn't that like THE FIRST rule of owning a gun? treat it like it's loaded? Just to build good habits, no?

Even knowing the gun wasn't loaded, and having verified that for myself, I was still uncomfortable with the barrel pointed at me when my friend's brother was holding the weapon...

or maybe i'm just a control freak and don't trust anyone as much as i trust myself. Both?

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Unless i'm mistaken, most LEO's are usually pretty pro-gun, and anti 'gun control' because they see, first-hand, the inherent ridiculousness of thinking criminals will register guns.

That said, I think you would have a hard time getting LEO's to follow orders to confiscate law-abiding citizens' weapons. They'd lose the warrant, or accidentally delete the email, or chase some REAL criminals and keep busy doing that... etc.

God forbid that order ever comes, Soldiers are citizens too. I don't think they'd blindly turn on their fellow Americans. ...at least i hope not.

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I got to thinking the other day, What id someone were to take the second amendment away. What if someone just said, oh its just a piece of paper, with some old writing on it, It doesn't mean anything. I wonder what would happen?

You mean like they're doing now with the rest of the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

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Look up "Katrina gun confiscation" and get back to me on that last bit.

I just did that........ very eye opening. Just when you really need your weapons, they come and take them.

If the shit ever hits the fan, its good to be aware of this. You have no rights at the business end of automatic weapons.........

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This country is too large for the government to implement a confiscation of weapons. That' date=' and the giant pile of unregistered guns in the various states that don't require registration would make it almost impossible to enforce. And the Constitution is, in fact, just a piece of paper. If someone in Washington got on CNN tonight and said that the 2nd amendment was no longer valid I would not change the way I live my life. I would not turn in a single weapon and would, most certainly, shoot anyone that came to my house to collect them.

So, the Constitution is just a piece of paper and it doesn't guarantee my freedom. It merely states that I have those freedoms and am not to be deprived of them.

"...endowed by our Creator certain inalienable rights..."[/quote']


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