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NCAA players read at 2nd grade level !!!!!


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Wait... they can actually read at all? I'm surprised.

What's the percentage of the population that can't read in at least one language.

I still run into somebody like that once and a while. Someone who can't read, they never learned.

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I was at my bank a month ago and this guy was at the counter. Well, he ended up leaving to bring someone else back I guess, because he couldn't sign things or read what he was signing because he couldn't write or read!! He had to be like 25-30 years old too! I know he couldn't because he told the woman he couldn't. I was in shock. I've never seen that before in my 32 years.

Which also made me think; how is he making money to put in the bank??

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I was at my bank a month ago and this guy was at the counter. Well, he ended up leaving to bring someone else back I guess, because he couldn't sign things or read what he was signing because he couldn't write or read!! He had to be like 25-30 years old too! I know he couldn't because he told the woman he couldn't. I was in shock. I've never seen that before in my 32 years.

Which also made me think; how is he making money to put in the bank??

sucks dick maybe? :confused:

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And whats bad is kids grow up to idolize these people.

A buddy of mine used to teach at a somewhat ghetto-ish local school that produced one NBA player. None of the boys at said school give a shit about their grades because they all think they are gonna be the next basketball star. And they will be, on the housing project basketball court.

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