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Wednesday....took off work...I am riding to IP!!Wanna come ?


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Wednesday looks like 66 and sunny. My friend and I are riding to Iron Pony trough back roads, anyone that wants come along for a fast pace ride, more than welcome to join. Prolly we be rolling around 10 am to take advantage of the sunshine.

Please let me know before Tuesday evening.

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I think my friend and I will meet around 10- 10:30 am so the sun has a chance to do his magic.

Meeting point since he's south of me, will be around Lodi.

As for me I will meet anyone at are usual spot at Rt83 and Rt82 by the Circle K gas station.

As for the route I have no idea.

He'll be going to lead and his going to take back roads all the way to Ip on a "fast pace" (fast for me at list.....;)).

So if anyone from NE wants to join me let me know today so that we can meet at the Circle K station around 9:30 am-10.

I need to be back at home around 4 so it's not going to be an all day thing. Just to Ip and back.

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It was great.

we met around 10 am at the BP station in Lodi, and than it took us around 145 miles to get to IP via back roads. Aside from the heavier traffic for a weekday and the stinky lady bugs, it was wonderful riding weather and roads.

On the way back we took 161,79N,715W (pretty cool road),514 back to civilization. All an all around 300 plus miles, and I was back home at 4 pm.

Hope some of you had a chance to enjoy what probably was one of the last day of this year riding season.

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