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bar shooting.

kawi kid

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Crabby Toms bar huh?? Nice.

That's a couple mile down the road from me.

At least they can hit something unlike those Toledo Wanksters.

lol....yeah i dont live far from there that place is hood rich, i lost my buddy in 06 on that bridge him and another friend wecked there bikes and one lived and one died..then my mom got hit head on less then a year later and another friend was visiting the crash site and got hit by a drunk driver....

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I'd really like to open a training center to teach gang-bangers to hit their intended targets. This 'spam ammo everywhere and hope I get lucky' nonsense is unimpressive, and leads to bystanders getting hit. I swear, I could have stood in the middle of these barfights, taking potshots with my bolt-action Mosin-Nagant, and probably hit more intended targets than any of these guys. And I'd have probably walked out unscathed, too (aside from the bruised shoulder-- Nagant invented the chiropractor business).

I personally don't care if people wanna shoot each other, I just want them to do it efficiently so I don't get caught in the crossfire.

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I'd really like to open a training center to teach gang-bangers to hit their intended targets. This 'spam ammo everywhere and hope I get lucky' nonsense is unimpressive, and leads to bystanders getting hit.......

They needed these...

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Look at what we got for headlines in Columbus now-a-days... We're going downhill fast.

Local Headlines

I understand that news teams play it up to look bad, and that 90% of the news we need to hear to protect ourselves isn't shown to us.... but...

The major news 50 years ago used to be about flower shows and lost puppies, not murder and mayhem!

This city is going to Hell-in-a-handbasket.

Edited by ReconRat
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I'm around that area all the time. Used to live down the street from it. About two years or so ago, I saw four guys just hanging out in the middle of Shrock Rd. When a lady honked at them so she could turn onto Karl, two of the guys started kicking her car, denting it the f#*k up as she drove by. I still have friends in that area and don't go visit without my "girlfriend". It's sad because that used to be one of the nicer areas of town years ago.

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