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He Likes it Rough!


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It just occurred to me that this is video #2 on youtube of me doing something ridiculous to kevin.... awesome.

I'd give you a positive rep for this comment but apparently I have given you too much rep and the board says no way hosea!

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I'd give you a positive rep for this comment but apparently I have given you too much rep and the board says no way hosea!

I had the same problem... I tried to give you rep for posting the sweet vid... so far I have failed...

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How red was your back the next morning? :p

Not red at all. My body is use to the abuse. :D No but really, I was actually surprised it didnt leave any marks. No war wounds at all :(

It just occurred to me that this is video #2 on youtube of me doing something ridiculous to kevin.... awesome.

haha. This is true... I kinda forgot about the other one.... here is a lil reminder. NEVER EVER try to ninja kick MJ or this may happen to you :eek:


Edited by yotaman88210
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