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Bats have oral sex


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Chinese Fruit Bats Demonstrate Unusual Sexual Behavior Never Before Seen in Adult Animals

Yea, you read the title right. Bats are getting little bat BJs and eating each other out.... who pays for studies like this?


New research published in the online journal PLoS ONE

demonstrates for the first time that a non-human adult animal species

regularly engages in oral sex behavior. While the behavior has been

seen in juvenile animals before, this is the first time it has been

observed in adult animals.

Warning: While the following information is scientifically accurate, some of the descriptions are slightly graphic.

Prepare to enter the fascinating world of fruit bat fellatio. Though it has been observed previously in bonobos

(both heterosexually and homosexually), this behavior generally has

been confined to juvenile animals, the authors of the new study note.

Activity May Increase Copulation Time

The field research, which was conducted in Guangzhou City, China, reveals that in the case of the greater short-nosed fruit bat (Cynopterus sphinx)

female species-on-male species oral sex now has been documented as a

regular occurrence. Scientists observed that in instances where oral

sex was performed, copulation time increased.

Benefits of Longer Copulation

As to why this behavior occurs, the paper's authors propose several adaptive hypotheses that merit further study:

1) The activity may increase lubrication and thus prolong

copulation, in turn assisting transport the transport of sperm or

stimulating secretions in the female bat's pituitary gland, thereby

increasing the likelihood of fertilization.

2) Prolonged copulation may be a form of "mate-guarding" -- that is,

claiming a single a partner and protecting that partner against sexual

activity with other bats.

3) The activity may help prevent sexually transmitted diseases, as

saliva has "a protective repertoire that goes beyond antibacterial

activity to include antifungal, antichlamydial, and antiviral

properties as well," according to the report.

4) The activity may "facilitate the detection and identification of MHC-dependent chemical cues associated with mate choice," say the scientists.

Read the whole paper: Fellatio by Fruit Bats Prolongs Copulation Time (Warning: Contains some graphic descriptions.)

Srsly, heed the warning. There's something VERY explicit about Bats giving each other oral.
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The best part is the entirely straight-faced manner in which they present this graph, with gratuitous bat-porn at the top and the highly scientific column labels 'Licking' and 'No Licking':


I'm surprised there's not already an entire web fetish community devoted solely to watching bats give head.

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What kind of weird shit were you looking up to find this?

I was looking for "organic designs" to better understand how nature influences the efficiency of certain organic bodies to do certain tasks - like pick up garbage (@ RVT)

But, I accidentally misspelled 'organic designs' and instead typed in 'animal porn'. My mistake.

Srsly though. It was on Digg. Swear.

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